
Here's How To Make The Most Popular Easter Craft On Pinterest
You’re probably staying at home with your immediate family on Easter this year, but that doesn't mean you can’t go big on the decorations. And since you're spending so much time in the house right now, why not make your own festive decor? Unsurprisingly, there's a ton of hippity hoppity crafting inspo online right now, and it goes way beyond bunnies made of toilet paper rolls. In fact, the most popular Easter craft on Pinterest is so pretty, you might just want to keep it up all year.
At first glance, this craft might seem intimidating, but don't worry: Stained glass Easter egg suncatchers are actually way easier to pull off than they look. Plus, anyone walking by your house or apartment will be able to see these bright, cheerful decorations from a safe distance.
To make these colorful eggs, you'll need Elmer’s glue mixed with acrylic paint to create the borders, a plastic sheet (a clear berry carton will work in a pinch) and Sharpies or tissue paper to give the eggs their bright, glassy look. Many of the stained glass eggs on Pinterest include Easter egg printables that you can use to trace the egg designs, but if you don’t have a printer at home, that’s no problem either; you can draw the eggs freehand (they might just not be quite as Pinterest-perfect). If you are able to print, the printables can make this project a bit less frustrating, especially for littler family members (but seriously, no one is judging your egg-shape right now, so don't stress about getting to a printer).
To start, tape the egg design to the back of the plastic, then trace the line details of the egg onto the clear sheet using your glue mixture (this is made of half Elmer's glue and half acrylic paint, which you can mix together in a empty yogurt cup). If you'd like, you can even use glitter paint to add a little extra sparkle. After you mix up the glue, it's a good idea to put it back into the bottle so it's easier to draw the thick lines with precision. You’ll need to let the outline dry overnight, so if your kiddo isn’t exactly known for their patience, you might want to do the first step yourself and have them help the next day with the decorating.
After the glue dries for at least eight hours, you can decorate the inside of the egg using bright permanent markers (washable ones can slide off the plastic) or cut-up tissue paper. The dried glue makes a great barrier, so you can use a few different colors without them bleeding into each other. Next, cut around the plastic (it doesn't have to be perfect since it's clear) and use double-sided tape to secure the eggs to your windows. These suncatchers really do look beautiful when the sunlight shines through, so they'll definitely bring some springy color to your house. If you're feeling really ambitious, you can even have a virtual crafting session with the friends or family members you'd normally be celebrating with in-person. You pretty much can't Pinterest-fail on this one (though I'm sure I could find a way if I really tried) and it's an egg-cellent way to keep your little ones busy while adding a festive touch to your at-home holiday celebration.