
'Love Island' Wouldn't Be 'Love Island' Without Newbie Islanders
It's new week on Love Island, so it's time for some new faces. Hopefully Yamen and Caro can bounce back quickly because the new Love Island singles are ready for love — and the drama that their entrance will cause in the villa. First, here is a recap of what the brave newbies are walking into.
Caro and Yamen are newly single after surviving a house vote that saw their other halves, Cormac and Christen, get voted out by everyone in a house vote. Yamen understandably tells the friends that saved him that Christen leaving is "not lit" because "I finally felt that connection here and out of nowhere [she's gone]," ET reported in a recap.
Also newly single are Kyra and Cashel. Before fans see new singles arrive in the villa, Kyra tells Cashel that after thinking about it she doesn't know if they "100 percent click in all the ways." Why should she settle?
Exploring is the name of the Love Island game. There are new singles in town, so both Kyra and Cashel have might find "the one" in someone else. Let me introduce you to the potential love interests. There are three guys and three girls, which means only one thing: drama.
Aissata is a 26-year-old model who once considered going to medical school. Her Instagram account is basically a portfolio of her work with the occasional food porn shot thrown in.
Kelsey, 25, is a marketing manager whose blue eyes have already caught Weston's attention. She believes in the law of attraction and seems to have a thing for teeth. Something about her wavy blonde hair tells me she won't have a problem settling into the villa. She's already feeling good vibes.
The third girl to enter the villa is Marli, a 20-year-old server and model who feels like an enigma; her only social presence is an abandoned Facebook account last updated in 2017.
Ray arrives at the villa ready to party as any 23-year-old student on break would be. His Instagram is private, which is disappointing. But something tells me fans will get to know more about him soon enough.
George is creeping up on 30, which means he's almost ancient in reality TV world. According to the Daily Mail, he's a "buyer/seller for an interior design company". A quick peek at his Instagram makes me think he's also a model. He lives in Beverly Hills and is very attractive, so it's definitely a possibility. He also probably won't have a hard time finding a match on Love Island.
The final single ready to shake up the villa is Eric. He's a man after my own heart (though he'll never know it) because he's a tattoo shop manager. He's yet another single on Love Island who seems to use his Instagram account as a modeling portfolio. I'm definitely not complaining.
I'm so excited to see what kind of antics ensue thanks to the new arrivals. But I also love a happy ending so I understand Twitter's protectiveness of Zac and Elizabeth. Only time will tell who will survive, and whether any of these newbies will make a real love connection.