
Alliances Are Drawn For Easter In This 'Sweet Home Sextuplets' Exclusive Clip

by Connie Liou

Courtney and Eric Waldrop are preparing for their annual Easter egg hunt, and the competition is already heating up on Sweet Home Sextuplets. In an exclusive clip for the upcoming episode, titled "Web of Destruction," the older Sweet Home Sextuplets boys make their Easter egg hunt draft picks, and the alliances drawn might surprise a few fans of the TLC series.

The clip opens with Eric and Courtney sitting together with Saylor, Bridge, and Wales. Surprisingly, the sextuplets — Blu, Layke, Tag, Rawlings, Rayne, and Rivers — are off-camera. But the baby noises in the background tell viewers that they're somewhere nearby. Courtney then explains the rules for the draft.

"You'll draw numbers — one, two, and three — and that'll be the draft order," the Waldrop matriarch states. "And then we'll go reverse."

"Three, two one," Eric confirms. Courtney then brings a box over to the boys. And of course, the boys are already in competition mode.

"I'm picking first," Saylor exclaims as his brothers reach into the box for their numbers. Apparently, the bold proclamation doesn't help the eldest Waldrop son, and Ridge is the first of the three to choose.

"Ridge, who is your first pick?" Courtney asks. After a bit of thought, Ridge decides to go with Blu.

Following a brief snippet of Blu, the clip jumps to a confessional, where a producer asks Ridge why he picked Blu.

"He's a round ball," Ridge says, quickly followed by an interjection from Saylor. "Because he can be one with eggs," he joked.

The clip flashes back to the original scene, and next up is Saylor, who immediately chooses Tag. "He'll think all the eggs are balls," Saylor says.

Courtney reveals that Tag would have been one of her picks as well, and then she moves on to Wales' draft pick. "Rawlings," Wales says shyly. When his mom prompts him to explain, Wales shares that his little sister "puts the blocks in the basket."

"She does pick up good," Courtney agrees.

The clip then skips to a confessional with Saylor, Bridge, and Wales. "She's the fastest one," Saylor says. "Well, if Rawlings really wants to run then she can go faster than Ridge can."

And yes, Ridge definitely noticed Saylor's burn. "I can go faster than all of those babies," Ridge exclaims. "Like way faster!"

Now, the boys must go in reverse order, and Wales picks Layke. "Layke's special skill is that he's so skinny he can slip right through everything," Wales says as the clip previews a flashback of Layke's funny antics.

When the clip cuts back to the original scene, Eric approves of Wales' lineup. "Rawlings and Layke," he says. "That's a pretty good team."

It's now down to Rivers and Rayne. In a confessional, Saylor shares that Rivers "may be good, but Rayne doesn't give up." So, Saylor chooses Rayne, leaving Ridge with Rivers.

Later, Eric and Courtney speak with producers about the boys' Easter egg hunt choices, and Courtney expresses her surprise that Rivers was picked last.

"Rivers is the second-most determined baby that we have, so I don't know why she was the last pick," she says.

Nonetheless, it looks like the Waldrop family is going to have some fun — and maybe even a little bit of chaos.

"Who thinks their team is going to win?" Courtney asks. Saylor, Bridge, and Wales collectively shout, "Me!" Oh, boy. Here we go.

Sweet Home Sextuplets Season 2 airs Tuesday nights on TLC.