
Stop What You're Doing & Look At These 38 Pics Of Dogs With Santa
Listen, it's common knowledge that dogs make every part of life better, including the holidays. Stockings hung on the chimney with care look sweet, but add a stocking for your pup that's filled with treats and toys and suddenly your mantle is movie-worthy. Kids playing in the snow make you smile, but it's a dog running around and diving into the winter fluff that will make your heart burst. Even the Grinch had a puppy for crying out loud. Dogs are clearly the key to unlocking that holiday magic, and here are 38 pictures of dogs with Santa to prove it.
These photos are adorable, hilarious, and you can't help but be really impressed by some of them. Not everyone likes posing for pictures with Santa (though check out the rundown on Soothing Santa, the perfect Christmas pal for kids with sensory challenges) and dogs aren't known for being the most cooperative models. But if you can manage to get a pic of your pup with a jolly old man in a red suit, it'll 100 percent be worth it.
Barkpost has some advice for anyone trying to get their dog to pose for a pic that can help you out when you take your pup to the mall for the Santa photoshoot, but if that seems like way too much effort, just check out these photos of dogs who've already experienced a bonding moment with St. Nick. They might not be your dog, but they're still adorable.
1Pitbull Perfection
Yes, we can, Jennessy. That pup is definitely getting what they want for Christmas.
2The Tiniest Christmas Lover
You can barely see the tiny pup in this adorable pic, and that somehow just makes the whole thing even sweeter.
3That Twinkle In Their Eyes
I just want someone to look at me the way Cupcake looks sitting on Santa's lap.
4Besties For The Resties
Someone came ready for their photoshoot moment. The only word that properly describes this image is majestic.
6Pugtastic Pals
This good boy is so skilled at posing, he should be a professional. I'd hire him for all of my Christmas card needs.
7Santa Is All Of Us
Contrary to popular belief, this image is actually what made the Grinch's heart grow three sizes, not the singing Whos.
8All I Want For Christmas Is This Corgi
Behold, the five stages of discovering you're taking pictures with Santa.
9So Manny Doggos
This collage is the most important thing to ever happen to the internet and you cannot prove otherwise.
10Where Are My Treats?
Brb getting a picture frame ornament for this good boy. I don't even care that it's not my dog.
12When Your Parents Make You Go See Santa But You Just Wanted To Go To The Dog Park
There are so many kids who can relate to this pic.
14Double The Fun
Fun fact: Santa was given two arms so he could hold two dogs.
16The Ultimate Mood Booster
Petition to change the lyrics to "I saw my puppy kissing Santa Claus" immediately.
17Feeling The Christmas Magic
I mean, I'd make the same face if I got to meet Santa, so I feel you, small dog.
18On Donner and Dasher
I think you'll find Santa's sleigh will have some more adorable guides this year.
19Holiday Cheer Everywhere
Why don't I look this cute when I stick my tongue out in pictures?
22Puppy's First Christmas
It looks like Santa knows what he wants to get himself for Christmas now.
24The North Pole's Newest Hire
Frankly, who wouldn't trust that face to deliver toys all over the world?
26When Santa Tells You You've Been A Good Boy
Those are the eyes of someone imagining a stocking full of squeaky toys.
27Jingle Bells, That New Puppy Smell, Santa Wants A Dog
I don't think Santa plans on letting go of that little guy anytime soon.
28So Serious
Gigi takes presents very seriously, and I respect her for that.
29The Cutest Creature To Ever Wear A Hat
Hi, how many golden retrievers are too many? Asking for a friend.
30The Whole Gang
Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Paws? It's the highlight of the year for sure.
31Over It
The face of someone who regrets the time he chewed up all of those shoes.
32Joy To The World
I can't tell who's more excited: the pup, Santa, or me looking at the pic.
34Doggo On The Run
Okay, so this isn't a traditional "mall Santa with pup" photo. That's okay, because it still includes a Santa (beard = Santa) holding a little dog in festive gear. And both of them look adorable.
35A Tisket, A Tasket
A doggo in a basket! Usually it's the Easter Bunny who deals in baskets, but this puppy is a welcome gift no matter what sort of container he comes in.
36Double The Fun
This Santa couldn't be happier to have two dogs on his lap. One leg for each pup, right? A lot easier than trying to balance Dasher and Dancer.
37Joint Selfie
It looks like maybe this dog was a bit nervous and needed his owner's support? Or maybe the pup was just giving his mom and excuse to pose with Santa. Yeah, that's the ticket.
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