
These Stationery Products Will Encourage Your Kids To Write & Find A Summer Pen Pal
When I was in the first grade, my very best friend Lindsey moved states away to Virginia. I was crushed, but our parents encouraged us to send letters and trinkets to each other through the mail. We kept it up for years until her family moved back to Texas when we were in middle school. I loved sending and receiving letters during those years, but getting a young child to sit still long enough to write a letter can be challenging. That's why these stationery products to encourage your kids to have pen pals can help make the process just a bit easier and certainly more fun for your kids.
Having someone to write letters to at such a young age was an exciting experience and one that I hope my own children will get into eventually. Whether your child is writing to a grandparent across town, a child overseas, or a distant relative in another state, the task of letter writing can be daunting when you sit down with your kiddo, a pen, and paper. Supplying them with bright, colorful stationery and funky pens and pencils is one way to get the ball rolling on what could become a life-long love affair with writing letters and sending mail.
5Lisa Frank Stickers
6Glittery Scented Pens
12Make Your Own Stationery Kit
13Fold-Out Animal Cards
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