
JoJo Whilden/Netflix
'Orange Is The New Black' Theories To Get You Hyped For Season 7

by Chrissy Bobic
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Orange Is the New Black Season 6 left off on note of hopefulness and despair, depending on which character you look at. Piper got out of prison and was met with open arms by her brother and Sophia was about to get a happy ending herself. But instead of following suit, Blanca was sent to an ICE detention facility and her fate is up in the air. Luckily, there are already some Orange Is the New Black Season 7 theories to get you through the rest of the time between now and July 26, when Season 7 drops on Netflix.

Season 7 of OITNB marks the end of the series. And like the past six seasons, there will be 13 episodes to round out the series and give most, if not all, of our beloved inmates proper endings. I don't see everyone getting *happy* endings, but in most cases, I see fans getting the closure they need to say goodbye the show.

Red, for example, is probably never going to get out of prison at this rate. And Frieda has had such bad luck that she will probably die in prison before Season 7 is over. There could be happier endings for some of the inmates, however, like Piper, who is already out of prison, and Nicky, who seemed intent on staying on the straight and narrow at the end of last season.

But until OITNB Season 7 premieres, these theories can help you prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Lorna’s Mental Health Takes A Dive

JoJo Whilden/Netflix

Lorna initially ended up in prison because she stalked a man she believed to be her fiancé, but who barely knew her. To call back to this, Redditor Jo_ava wrote that they think Lorna will have "some kind of mental breakdown." It could relate to what appeared to be her premature labor in the Season 6 finale, or something like having her baby taken away from her as soon as he or she is born. But the theory is all about Lorna’s story taking an even more tragic turn than it already has.

Daya’s Story Has A Tragic Ending

Daya hasn't had it easy on OITNB. Things went from bad to worse for her when she shot CO Humphrey and from there, she lost all hope that she would ever get out of prison. On Reddit, user freshavacado theorized that Daya will overdose by the end of the season. Last season, she developed an addiction which Daddy regularly supported with her own supply. Judging by the path Daya is already going down, it’s possible that she will have a tragic drug-related ending.

Piper Makes It On The Outside

Cara Howe/Netflix

OITNB is loosely based on the real life Piper, Piper Kerman’s, time in prison. The fictional Piper on the show worked on her memoir throughout Season 6, and one fan on Twitter thinks Piper will make it on the outside by finishing and publishing her book, just like Kernan did in real life. It would bring things full circle and make for a happy ending for at least one character, so I’m all for it.

Someone Helps Clear Taystee’s Name

If there is one character who got a raw deal last season, it was Taystee. She went down for a murder she didn't commit and Cindy testified against her to ensure her own early release from prison. One Redditor, Jennylynnkrug, thinks that Taystee could still get off and be released from all charges if a film crew decides to make a true crime documentary about it, a la Making a Murderer, to help clear her name. Caputo has already tried to help her himself, so if this theory is true and Caputo is a part of it, I wouldn't be surprised.

Lorna Loses Her Baby

JoJo Whilden/Netflix

At the end of Season 6, Lorna looked like she was going into labor, but it was still too early in her pregnancy for that. One fan on Reddit wrote that Lorna could actually lose her baby in the process. Because of the loss, her mental health will deteriorate, but she'll have Nicky there to help her through it. I would hate to see Lorna in that much pain, but it would make sense for Nicky of all people to be right by her side through it all.

Figueroa Ends Up In Prison

Figueroa showed signs of having a heart last season, but she has never been there for the women of Litchfield Like Caputo. Redditor OITNBFan theorized that Fig ends up in prison in the series finale for embezzling money. She doesn't seem to have any semblance of a moral compass, so it wouldn't surprise me. It would also be fitting, given that she has had it easy thus far.

The Finale Will Feature Flash Forward Scenes

JoJo Whilden/Netflix

OITNB has been about flashbacks since its inaugural season. I think in the series finale, viewers will get flash forwards for the first time to see where some of the main characters end up. Whether there is a shot of Red finally being released from prison 10 years from now or Taystee using her potential freedom to make a difference instead of ending up back in prison, I can see the finale giving fans and characters the closure we all need.

Although OITNB executive producer Tara Herrmann told The Hollywood Reporter the show’s writers have kicked around a few ideas for an OITNB spin-off, I think it’s safe to consider this the end of characters we have watched grow in the past seven seasons. Some of them will probably have tragic endings to match their tragic lives, but I’m a firm believer that at least a few of the Litchfield OGs will get their happy endings when it is all said and done.

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