
This gingerbread cookie cutter from Cost Plus World Market cuts all the pieces you need to build a g...
Shutterstock; World Market

This Gingerbread House Cutter Cuts *Every* Piece You Need To Make A Tiny Cookie House

by Cat Bowen

Gingerbread houses are not for the weak of heart. Making them requires a ton of rolling, trimming around templates, trying to make sure they're even, and cussing. But with a gingerbread house cookie cutter in your kitchen, you might be able to get by with only cussing and swearing at the frosting application.

For the architecturally and geometrically-impaired people such as myself, this large cookie cutter cuts six individual pieces of dough to form a miniature gingerbread house. Gone are the days of breaking out a ruler and following patterns that seem impossible — this one cutter does all of the major work for you. The pieces are even, they're all made to fit together, and it just requires one big push into the dough. All you have to do is prepare the right dough, the proper frosting, and buy a metric ton of sprinkles and gumdrops.

The resulting gingerbread houses are adorable in their tiny size, and children will no doubt love putting them together. The cookie cutter itself is just shy of 6 inches tall, and just under 4 1/2 inches wide. These houses are so small, they could easily fit on the side of a mug of hot cocoa or tea, which also means you can make more than one instead of insisting all your children share the same four pieces of gingerbread.

When you're baking with kids, this is especially huge. These gingerbread houses are the perfect size for little hands, and being a cookie cutter, kids can take over without a ton of supervision, which is good when you have more than one child taking part in the activity at the same time. Just pick your favorite dough — make sure to chill it — and make an entire village of the world's cutest, tiniest, symmetrical gingerbread houses. (OMG, use them as table centerpieces.)