
This Peppa Pig Makeup Tutorial Is Either Terrifying Or Genius — You Decide

by Jen McGuire

Have you ever wondered how you would look as Peppa Pig? I feel like you probably haven't wondered this at all, so maybe take a moment to readjust to your new reality. Imagine yourself with a pink face and a head shaped like a whistle, oh and I guess you should go ahead and picture a snout too. That perpetual smile, don't forget about that either. So now if you're really curious about how to turn yourself into the beloved cartoon character with the cute British accent, feel free to check out this Peppa Pig makeup tutorial. You will never be able to un-see it.

Artist and YouTuber Jody Steel decided to tackle the formidable task of transforming into Peppa Pig, and I think you will all agree that the results are a mix of artistic genius plus true horror. Steel begins by wiping her face clean of makeup as a specter of Peppa Pig watches over her from the corner. Then she ties her hair back and starts to paint Peppa's face over her own. Bright pink, sweeping one eyebrow up high to allow for Peppa's ears.

As you see her face begin to transform, it's sort of like the start of a horror movie where you know things are going to go wrong but you just can't look away.

By the end of the three minutes, Steel (who is admittedly incredibly talented so no one take that away from her please), has covered her hair with a black cap, painted Peppa's dress on her neck, and then she turns out the light and there is the pig herself floating eerily on Steels' shoulders in the darkness. Please see for yourself.

Now just in case you are thinking that Steel doesn't know the Nick Jr. show Peppa Pig, you are totally wrong. Not only was she able to turn herself so completely into Peppa, she actually included a little pop culture reference that only real Peppa Pig fans would understand.

Steel painted a blue phone on to a black glove on her hand, likely in reference to that super famous meme from the show when Peppa hung up on her best friend Susie Sheep in a fit for knowing how to whistle.

And now let's check out Twitter to see how people are reacting to this Peppa Pig makeup tutorial, shall we?

"I just watched a Peppa Pig makeup tutorial and I am never sleeping again," as one person tweeted.

Another said, "Peppa Pig makeup tutorial is a new breed of nightmare."

"I keep thinking about that "Peppa Pig Makeup Tutorial" and laughing hysterically," another chimed in.

The general consensus appears to be dark fascination, which is better than no fascination at all if you ask me. And the artist appears to be more than happy with the response. As Steel told HuffPost UK, she hopes this sort of family-friendly content helps to inspire young viewers. "As a professional artist, my mum heavily encouraged the arts at a young age. She let me draw on myself, on the walls of my room. I really want to inspire kids to be creative and silly with their art," she told HuffPost UK.

Here's hoping this Halloween sees a bunch of Peppa Pigs out there looking just like Steel. Imagine that. Really, just imagine.