
Ron Jenkins/Getty Images News/Getty Images

This Video Of The Dallas Shooting Shows The Horror Of The Situtation

by Allison Piwowarski

On Thursday, tragedy struck in Dallas, Texas, when five police officers were killed by a sniper during a protest. During the peaceful protest, a sniper opened fire, which led to the five officers' deaths. CNN reports that three suspects are in custody and a fourth died during a standoff. The outlet also reports that two suspects were snipers, who shot from an "elevated position." Fox 4 News in North Texas captured a video of the Dallas shooting, which shows the horror of the situation, and just how violent things turned.

The video that the news outlet posted on their Twitter account isn't of the violent nature — rather it's pretty innocuous. But, what it does show is just how powerful and terrifying the shooting that took place was. In the top of video below, you can hear sirens already blaring as incredibly loud and powerful shots ring out, as the cameraperson seems to move toward the chaos. There is no shortage of shots fired in the 25 second long video, while the sounds of sirens only increase after the initial shots were captured. While shaky, the video only exemplifies the terror that the city had to go through during the ambush.

Earlier in the evening, before the scene turned violent, Fox 4 News captured photos of the demonstrators in the downtown Dallas area protesting the recent deaths in officer-involved shootings (Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile are two of the most recent, which ignited peaceful protests around the country). The photo shows a birds-eye view of the early protest, which Fox 4 News reports hosted "roughly 800 protestors" by the end of the march (when the shots were fired).

The video posted is just one account of the attack. There are sure to be more eyewitness reports that develop throughout the days following the deadly scene. With five officers dead, seven officers injured, and 2 civilians injured, as well, let's hope that the city of Dallas — and protests around the country — can remain peaceful and safe.