
Jimmy Fallon's Daughters Are The New Roots On 'Tonight Show: At Home Edition'

by Casey Suglia

Many parents are working from home as efforts to contain COVID-19 ramp up in the United States — including Tonight Show host, Jimmy Fallon. The Tonight Show during the coronavirus pandemic features Jimmy Fallon's daughters as the band for the show, and their contributions are so great. Although they're not as polished as the Tonight Show's house band, The Roots, give them a few more weeks of social distancing and they'll be giving Questlove a run for his money.

Fallon's daughters with wife, Nancy Juvonen — 6-year-old Winnie and 5-year-old Frances (Franny) — opened up the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Monday with a brief but lovely musical introduction. "Go," Fallon tells Winnie, who starts shaking a cowbell, while Frannie opts for pressing random keys on the piano.

"Hi everyone! Welcome to the Tonight Show: At Home Edition," Fallon says. "I want to thank Franny and Winnie, thank you so much. Gary the dog is here. We're all good. Alright, that's enough. That's perfect," he says in the tone of voice that parents know all too well.

Fallon has been live streaming new episodes of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon from his home since March 17. His adorable daughters — about whom he has been pretty private in the past — have been lending their musical talents and artistic ability to the show. They've also been designing the title card for each new episode of Fallon's show at home.

Not only are they creative and musically inclined, they're also pretty funny, too. On Tuesday night's episode of The Tonight Show: At Home Edition, Franny spent the majority of the monologue hanging around her dad's shoulders distracting him while Winnie quietly colored by his side. "You were so nice today," he said to his daughters during the beginning of the episode.

"In fact, if you feel like it, you can laugh at monologue jokes that we have today. Do you feel like doing that?" he asks Winnie, who shakes her head.

"Do you feel like laughing at daddy's jokes?" he asks Franny, who also shakes her head. What a tough crowd.

Although his daughters are hard to please, viewers at home are loving Fallon's newest co-stars and musicians in his house band. "Jimmy Fallon's kids telling him they don't feel like laughing at his jokes will never not be funny," one commenter wrote.

"I never watched Jimmy Fallon until the home editions," another commenter added. "Love his kids, love his wife, love his very funky house. You can tell there is a lot of love in his family."

Fallon's live streams of The Tonight Show: At Home Edition are also for a good cause. Each night, Fallon brings attention to a new charity so viewers can donate and help someone in need that has been impacted by the coronavirus. On Monday night, he raised more than $25,000 for No Kid Hungry and more than $41,000 for Feeding America. You can donate to these charities directly on YouTube during each new episode.