Trump's Child Care Tax Break Doesn't Help Middle Class Families
Isn't America so lucky to have a president who exhibits the utmost respect for women and families? Okay, calm down, that was obviously sarcasm. But, as President Donald Trump likes to "remind" us on a regular basis, he has "tremendous respect for women" and has vowed to protect American families. However, while Trump may have promised to give working families tax breaks on child care, a new report proves just how little that proposed "benefit" would actually be for the average American family. Unfortunately, Trump's child care tax break gives middle class families less than $20 per year.
According to a report by the Center for American Progress, "a typical family with two young children in Trump swing counties would only net $5.55 under Trump’s plan, even after spending $6,037 on child care." What's interesting about this, though, is that Trump has long touted himself as a defender of the working class, vowing to "bring back coal," and fight for average American families. In fact, as the CAP points out, counties that experienced “a 15 percent or more shift to the Republican candidate from 2012 to 2016,” aka “Trump swing counties,” are the areas most negatively affected by Trump’s proposed new tax reform. (The White House did not immediately respond to Romper's request for comment.)
But as Trump's first 100 days in office draw to a close, so does the hope many have had that he would represent their best interests, and "drain the swamp." Because as has been proven to be the case in the Trump administration, working class families are getting thrown under the bus, while the wealthy elites reap the benefits of a presidency fueled by Wall Street.
Truly, the families that would get the most out of Trump's child care plan are those who are already rich. As it stands, families can earn up to $500,000 annually and still qualify for Trump's plan. And while the CAP's research only indicates what a family in Manhattan making $295,000 would get from Trump's plan ($7,390), it's easy to draw the conclusion that those on the higher end of the income spectrum would get a bigger break in general. The fact that working families already spend so much of their income on child care, and will barely get a deduction a year later, is troubling.
Obviously, the plan isn't formulated to actually help most Americans. It presupposes that families can afford child care costs up front, and not get their tax break until months later. Clearly, Trump hasn't left his bubble of privilege, and his new tax plan proves just that. He is seeking to give the rich more money, and leave middle-class, working citizens out in the cold, whether he realizes it or not.