Tyler Crispin's Instagram Before 'Big Brother' Shows His Strengths
Whether you love him or hate him, Tyler certainly seems like the frontrunner to win Big Brother 20. He successfully got his target out when he was head-of-household last week, with almost no blood on his hands. Now, with Kaitlyn as HOH, he somehow managed to get in her head and she's now plotting to backdoor Swaggy C, a member of her own alliance. With Tyler pretty much running the house right now, it's not surprising that viewers are curious about what he was up to before Big Brother. One way to find out is by looking at Tyler's Instagram before Big Brother.
Before the show began, Tyler certainly was not a frontrunner, though fans should've seen him coming. In his cast bio he had a pretty solid strategy. He said he would "get in tight with someone opposite of me, divide the house with them on one side and me on the other, get intel from their side from them while making sure they keep me safe by making them feel like I'm keeping them safe." While Tyler hasn't followed this plan exactly, befriending Kaitlyn, who was on the opposite side of the house, was definitely a smart move on his part. Now Tyler has enough votes with his alliance to send whoever he wants home.
Check out these pics from his Instagram below and see what Tyler was up to before he started running the BB20 house.
He's A Lifeguard
When he's not trying to win $500,000 in the Big Brother house, Tyler works as a lifeguard. Clearly he loves his job.
He Loves To Travel
Based on his Insta, it looks like Tyler does a good amount of traveling. Here he is in Australia.
He's A Super Fan
Tyler has made it clear he's a fan of Big Brother. Here he is with Big Brother: Over the Top Stars, Morgan and Alex Willett.
His Hair Hasn't Always Been So Long
Back in the day, Tyler kept his hair short. He looks good with either style, honestly.
He Loves The Snow Just As Much As The Water
Although Tyler now spends most of his time at the beach, he obviously loves to be out in the snow too.
Tyler's Instagram shows he's not afraid to have a fun time and that he's physically fit, which helps him win competitions. Thus, his social and physical game are both strong, which is why he's definitely got a shot at winning Big Brother 20.