
The Beyhive Quickly Lost It After This Video Of Beyonce's Side Eye Went Viral
There are a few etiquette rules that should be common knowledge, and chief among them is that you do not speak over Beyoncé Knowles-Carter unless the Queen has specifically instructed you to. Case-in-point? Sitting court side recently with her husband, a female friend reached over her repeatedly to speak to JAY-Z, and well, as you'd imagine video of Beyoncé's side eye went viral almost instantly and Beyhive had a lot to say about it all.
Let's set the scene: as Marie Claire reported, Bey, Jay and their friend, Nicole Curran, whose husband owns the Warriors, all sat to watch the NBA finals game as the Toronto Raptors versed the Golden State Warriors. All seemed to be going well, until some video footage surfaced of Curran repeatedly reaching her body over Beyoncé in order to speak with JAY-Z.
Now, given Queen Bey has not commented on the situation, it's impossible to know exactly what happened or what she was thinking. But, simply gleaning from the video, it appears that Bey may not have been totally enthused about the whole situation. As one person observed on Twitter, "Here we have Beyoncé in rare form! If you look closely at her left arm you will see her slightly nudge ole girl, a discrete but mighty signal saying... BACK THE HELL UP!"
However, Curran did respond to the outrage earlier this morning, Entertainment Tonight reported, calling it unreasonable at best.
"Listen Beehive [sic]. I respect Queen B. I love her! I talked to her husband twice tonight," Curran wrote on an Instagram comment, as shared by the Shade Room. "First, to take a drink order for them both when they arrived as they were our guests. Second, to explain why I gave his wife a rose from a fan... All of this has been taken out of context. I am a happily married woman. Telling me to kill myself?????? Somehow I don't think she would support this."
Be this as it is, there were still some friendlier posts made, mostly supporting Bey and commenting on how loyal her fans can be. As one person accurately stated, "I love the way we protect Beyoncé."
Another tweeted, "Me whenever someone just doesn’t get that they are all in my personal space."
"I personally, think that #Beyoncé was probably tired of all the chattering," another suggested.
Though it's unsurprising that the Bey Hive would come for, uh, absolutely anyone who would even possibly upset the Queen herself, it is a little bit unfortunate that the internet has also rushed to somewhat pit two women against each other, particularly when we aren't even sure that they are in a "feud" of any sort. (The side-eye is undeniable, but we have no confirmation it was in regard to Curran.)
Adding another layer to the situation, Bey and Jay's martial issues regarding fidelity have been well-publicized over the years. Back in 2017, The Daily Beast reported that JAY-Z actually admitted to cheating on Beyoncé in the past, which was more or less confirmed throughout the entirety of her Lemonade release, as Essence reported, in which she referenced "Becky" by name (a pseudonym, perhaps, but absolutely referencing one individual with whom he had relations).
With all of this history, it could be that fans and followers are just extra sensitive, though that's really an unfair thing to infer based on the very innocuous interaction that happened at the game. Either way, there's at least one clear takeaway here: don't mess with Bey, don't mess with her husband, and really do not mess with the Hive.