
Annaliese From 'The Bachelor' Has Some Experience With Being In The Spotlight
As per usual, there were some interesting and mysterious women on the season premiere of The Bachelor, including Annaliese Puccini. But other than being the new kissing bandit, or at least channeling one like a boss, what does Annaliese from The Bachelor do? The contestant is so much more than her costume — which she wore for Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s benefit — and, it seems, it seems her talents extend far beyond that of an event designer, as she’s described in her Bachelor bio.
It doesn’t look like she has a LinkedIn account, but instead, Annaliese has a pretty full IMDB profile that showcases several projects she's worked on over the course of a few years as a production assistant, writer, producer, and actress. The last big thing she acted in came out in 2013, with the exception of a few commercials that followed, so it’s safe to say that Annaliese’s show business days are behind her (except for The Bachelor, of course).
And being an event designer isn’t too many degrees of separation away from someone involved in on-set work, really. According to CareerMagnifier.com:
An event designer is someone who will design and execute an overall look for an event. The type of events they work on can include: weddings, product launches, fashion shows, conferences, exhibitions, gala dinners, corporate functions & festivals. Some designers will also plan, consult and coordinate but more often than not, they will limit their services to design and decor.
So even if her days on short film or Indie movie sets are over, she probably learned a thing or two that she brought into her current field of work.
There isn’t much on Annaliese’s Instagram about her current chosen profession, but she did post a photo of herself at a wedding back in October 2016 with hashtags related to event planning. So even if she still has acting on the back burner, she definitely wasn't lying when she told The Bachelor casting department that she’s an event designer.
My guess is that even though her IMDB profile stopped listing her credits as of 2016, acting still might be a part of Annaliese’s life. But from what I can tell, she’s not just a budding actress trying to gain exposure with the show. She truly doesn't seem like the type to do that, which makes me like her even more.
At the very least, though, her different acting gigs show off not only her talent, but the fact that donning her kissing bandit mask wasn't the only time she’s ever been able to express her sense of humor. Back in 2013, she co-starred in a Funny or Die skit about using a special, ahem, male ingredient for hair conditioner that left her long locks smooth and shiny. Apparently, this was also a brunette time in Annaliese’s life, so she is almost unrecognizable in the sketch.
Even though Annaliese may be done with the acting world, appearing on The Bachelor certainly couldn’t hurt her chances of landing some new gigs once her experience is over. If Arie proposes to her in the end, though, then maybe acting will remain a thing of her past. And by all accounts, despite being a former actress and a busy event designer, she seems totally ready to find love with Arie. The whole kissing bandit shtick may have been a little corny, but it definitely got his attention and it also showed him that she doesn’t take herself too seriously, which can take her far in a show like this.
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