
Beyonce's Baby Announcement Has A Hidden Meaning
Just when society collectively thought 2017 was the beginning of the end, Beyoncé made a stunning announcement that rejuvenized the hopes and dreams of an entire country. On Wednesday afternoon Beyoncé announced that she was pregnant with twins via Instagram, placing the faith of an entire country on a tiny set of fetus shoulders. Her timing, on the first day of Black History month, along with her picture are leaving many fans to ask, "What does Beyoncé's baby announcement mean?" While I am in no way, shape, or form a "baby announcement scholar," I can surmise that her post — like everything else Beyoncé does — was calculated and intentional.
Choosing to show off her baby bump, Beyoncé posted a picture to her Instagram account of her on her knees on a bed of flowers, with flowers behind her and a veil over her face. She is staring at the camera, not smiling but looking certain and proud and serene. She has both of her hands on her stomach, accentuating the undeniable fact that, yes, this is real life. Beyonce is pregnant with twins. The image is stunning in that it is colorful, but it also carries a hidden meaning that only adds to the joyous announcement.
"On a bed of roses," while clichéd and used as a song lyric on more than one occasion, actually has a very specific meaning. The term made its original debut in 1599, in Christopher Marlowe's poem The Passionate Shepherd To His Love. It means, "a pleasant or easy situation." Having been pregnant with twins myself, I can tell you that it is undeniably pleasant but, well, not necessarily "easy." I don't think anyone would really describe pregnancy (twins or not) as "easy," but the surprise announcement certainly is pleasant and a news headline we can all collectively enjoy (as it's definitely a much-needed break from the current political climate of our country).
A veil also has a very specific meaning, as does its color. In religion, "you veil something because it is powerful and the veil is to protect those outside of it from the power beneath it." Beyoncé is paying homage to the power of women, while simultaneously making a subtle nod to one of her many jobs at the moment: protecting and growing her two unborn children. A veil can also be a sign of religion itself, and according to Islamic interpretation, in a dream green garments represent "benefits," and the color green itself means "submission to Allah's will." Given the recent executive order to ban refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries, a subtle shout-out to those being currently persecuted by the United States government only elevates this baby announcement to an entirely different level.
Of course, others have been quick to point out that Beyoncé's announcement came on the first day of Black History Month. While President Donald Trump was trashing the media, Beyoncé let us all know that she will be adding to the list of powerful black figures in pop culture who have shaped the course of history, changed societal ideas of feminism, and fought for equality and inclusion for all. Just, you know, let that sink in for a second.
So, while news that a double-dose of Knowles-Carter will be in our immediate future is anything but "normal," the subtle hints and meanings throughout Beyoncé's announcement only add to its glory. We truly are blessed.