
What Does Healthy Baby Poop Look Like? It Varies From Baby To Baby
Time to talk about one of the least glamorous aspects of motherhood: baby poop. Yeah, it's gross, but it's also a big part of the job. Because you're going to be dealing with it no matter what, it's probably a good idea to learn what does healthy baby poop look like so you can easily figure out if your baby is having tummy troubles. (Don't worry: there aren't any graphic photographs in this piece.)
For what it's worth, baby poop can vary quite a bit and still be considered normal. In fact, your baby's age and diet can have a huge impact on your baby's output. So even if those diaper surprises look pretty different from day to day, you may not have anything to worry about.
First, formula-fed babies may produce poop that's similar to peanut butter in consistency and tan to greenish-brown in color, as explained in Baby Center. On the other hand, breastfed babies may make poop that's thinner in consistency, and perhaps even on the watery side, as explained by WebMD. Again, colors can range from yellow to brown to green, as further noted in WebMD. Basically, the color and consistency can vary a lot and still be considered perfectly normal.
Additionally, there are some instances in which your baby's poop may seem surprising. According to What To Expect, your newborn's first movements may look like tar, but this is just because it's made from things like old skin and blood cells — hopefully his first meals out of the womb will be way more palatable. Once your baby has been out in the world for a while, his poops may vary based on diet, and sometimes in surprising ways. For instance, green baby poop may be the result of iron supplements or even grape-flavored Pedialyte, as explained in Breastfeeding Support.
Because so many variations are normal, it could be more helpful to consider what aspects of your baby's poop may signify a problem. Consistency is key. If the poop is extremely runny or dry, then your baby may be suffering from diarrhea or constipation, as noted by Baby Center. On the other hand, some colors may signify a problem. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, stool that is black or red may indicate a concern about gastrointestinal bleeding, whereas pale white poops could point to a liver blockage. In these instances, a visit to your pediatrician is a smart move.