Parenting boards have more jargon than some medical fields. Even if you’ve read them for a while and know most of the abbreviations, chances are there are still a few terms you don’t recognize. DH is “darling husband” and MS is “morning sickness.” But what does LO mean? Is it a shorter version of LOL?
LO is short for “little one,” which is perhaps the sweetest way to refer to your child. “My LO is napping” or “my LO and I played with bubbles today” are nice sentiments. But there are other things you will want to call your child throughout her life, because sometimes LO does not fit every situation.
So here is a motion to add even more abbreviations to your parenting vocabulary. Because you will sometimes find your kid in situations that inspire, shall we say, less endearing nicknames. If your child has poured paint all over the carpet, for instance, “little one” might not quite match your sentiments. “Little (bleep)” might be more fitting.
So here are some alternative abbreviations to suit the many moods that your LO inspires. Because sometimes he is the sweetest child alive. And other times . . . not so much. These abbrevs will fit your kid’s moments of triumphs (and the meltdowns) that happen IRL.
Meaning: Grumpy One
Usage: When your kid skips nap time and has a mid-afternoon meltdown, you can call him a GO. It's a good choice when you want him to just go to sleep already.
Meaning: Wiggle Worm
Usage: When you're trying to button up that impossible onesie, but your kid won't hold still. How can someone so small move around so much?
Meaning: Cutie
Usage: When texting cute pics of your kid to grandma. Because the grandkids have inspired your own parents to become more tech-savvy than ever. When did they get so good at using emojis?
Meaning: Child Not Found
Usage: When you turn around for two seconds and your kid disappears. Whether they're hiding in a clothes rack or closet, it's shocking how quickly they can peace out.
Meaning: Child From Heaven / Child From Hell
Usage: This can vary by the minute. She ate all her lunch? Child from heaven! She knocked over a store display? Child from . . . the other place.
Meaning: Little Miss / Little Mister
Usage: As a warning when your kid is just about to cross the line. It can sound very serious when said in the right tone.
Meaning: Self-explanatory
Usage: Only inside your own brain when your kid is just being impossible. Hey, you can think it as hard as you need to and no one will be the wiser. Whatever keeps you sane.