What Does Mark Fuhrman Think Of 'The People v. O.J. Simpson'? He's Stayed Oddly Silent
The FX docu-series The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story has once again brought national attention to the infamous 1995 trial of O.J. Simpson for the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. Simpson was acquitted of the murders. From people who remember the case like it was yesterday, to younger viewers who are just now learning the details, to the people actually involved in the case, everyone has been weighing in on how the show stacks up to the real thing — except for one person. It's left viewers wondering if former Los Angeles detective Mark Fuhrman watches The People v. O.J. Simpson, and what he thinks about it.
Fuhrman was one of the first responders to the scene of the 1994 murders, where he allegedly found one bloody leather glove (later determined to be the blood of both Brown Simpson and Goldman). After arriving at Simpson's Brentwood home to question him, detectives found the gate locked. Fuhrman climbed over the gate to let the others in, and while searching the property, allegedly found the glove's match behind Simpson's guest house. It was a figurative smoking gun, and the lynchpin of the prosecution argument, but none of that mattered when the defense discredited Fuhrman by presenting a mountain of evidence that he was deeply, disturbingly racist.
Jeffrey Toobin, author of The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson, the book on which the series is based, originally unveiled the defense's strategy in a 1994 New Yorker article. The LAPD was under intense scrutiny in the early 1990s, after the 1991 beating of Rodney King gave way to the 1992 L.A. Riots. And whether or not Fuhrman planted that second glove, as the defense alleged, it was hard to deny that Fuhrman was less than an exemplary police officer. After giving sworn testimony that he had not used the n-word in at least 10 years, audio tapes were presented that caught Fuhrman using the word more than 40 times. The defense also played tapes of Fuhrman boasting of framing suspects and fabricating evidence, according to The New York Times. Arguably, the case could've been totally different if Fuhrman had taken a sick day on June 13, 1994.
After the case wrapped up, Fuhrman was indicted on perjury charges for lying about his use of the n-word and agreed to a plea deal, according to the Chicago Tribune. Now a convicted felon, Fuhrman is unable to serve as a police officer ever again, and has found a new career as a best-selling author and — brace yourself — a Fox News pundit. Fuhrman serves as a forensic and crime scene expert for the network, appearing on shows such as Hannity and The Kelly File. But, curiously, while Marcia Clark and Fred Goldman are all too happy to weigh in on the show that's made them household names again, more than 20 year later, Fuhrman has remained silent, and in fact hasn't appeared on Fox News since August.
It's curious that he's stayed silent; he was never shy about discussing the case before. In fact, his first book, Murder in Brentwood, told his side of the story. So, it's rather odd that he'd choose now, when the case is relevant again, to stay quiet. Perhaps he's finally said all he has to say? Or maybe he just doesn't have cable? Who knows, he maybe be quietly jotting down notes every week, preparing to publish a book on what the show got right and wrong. Only time will tell.