
What Else Has Joel Kinnaman Been In? The 'House Of Cards' Season 4 GOP Candidate Is No Stranger To Netflix
House of Cards Season 4 evidently takes place in a dystopian future, because its fictional Governor of New York is a Republican named Will Conway, who just so happens to be going up against Frank Underwood — now running unopposed in the Democratic primary — in the race for President. Whether you like the character or not, Conway is kind of a rock star, and that's partly because of the guy portraying him. Will Conway is played by Joel Kinnaman on House of Cards, who you might recognize him from other marathon-worthy series on Netflix, because he's just that good.
On House of Cards, Kinnaman plays Will Conway, a U.S. Air Force airman who enlisted after 9/11. As the Governor of New York and 2016 GOP candidate, however, he does not come without his share of scandal. He gets caught in bed with Pollyhop, a search engine who is sharing user data (and, by extension, voter information) with him for the campaign.
To fix his hurt image, Conway decides to host a webcast in which he explains that he's teamed up with the search engine, a stunt not technically regulated by law because Pollyhop's data is proprietary, which means they can do whatever they want with it. He pledges to the public that he only uses Pollyhop's metadata for broad-scale information to get to know his voter base better. The spin he manages on the story is pretty genius, as he expertly makes it look like he's using search engine data to connect with voters he can't meet personally.
To make everything look aboveboard, he puts a bunch of data from his cell phone on his website for voters to access, which gives them the illusion that they're snooping through his emails just as much as he might be snooping through theirs. Of course, this, too, is a genius spin, because he doesn't really reveal anything except adorable photos and videos of his family.
But, have all of Joel Kinnaman's past roles been this devilishly charming?
Back in 2011, Kinnaman played Detective Stephen Holder, the rough-around-the-edges recovering addict to Mireille Enos's obsessive Detective Sarah Linden in AMC's The Killing. The series ran on cable for three seasons before getting canceled, after which Netflix came to the rescue to pick it up for a 6-episode fourth season to conclude the series.
Kinnaman — who hails from Sweden — also starred in the 2014 RoboCop reboot as the titular role. In the summer of 2016, he is set to play DC superhero Rick Flag in Suicide Squad. So, if it's not obvious, Kinnaman is pretty much a rock star at picking sweet roles.