
Quinn & Her Baby Aren't Out Of Danger Just Yet On 'Scandal'
The past few episodes of Scandal have brought a rollercoaster of emotions. First, viewers were sure that Quinn was dead and gone, and that turned out not to be the case. However, when Charlie showed up at Rowan's house, the baby was there but Quinn was suddenly nowhere to be found. So it has to be asked, even if none of us can take more heartache: what happens to Quinn and her baby on Scandal? Call me a pessimist, but there could still be bad news on the horizon, especially since Rowan is so unpredictable.
Papa Pope seemed to form an immediate attachment to the baby and even bought enough clothes and supplies to keep the infant around as long as possible, but Quinn, on the other hand, is kind of expendable. Even as far as Katie Lowes (Quinn) is concerned, it could go either way with Papa Pope at the moment. In an interview after the episode "Good People," which finally revealed Quinn’s whereabouts, Lowes told Entertainment Weekly that although Rowan is essentially keeping Quinn captive, at this point, it's for her own good. Since Olivia believes Quinn is dead and would prefer her to be since she was the only person who knew about Olivia’s part in the plane bombing, being in Rowan's home might be the safest place for her right now, and that's really saying something.
"There’s this weird connection between [Quinn and Rowan] going on, which I think nicely juxtaposes all the really crazy stuff going on between the two of them," Lowes told the outlet. "By the end of tonight’s episode, they’re in this really weird alliance."
At the end of "Good People," the timeline finally caught up to present day when Charlie came face to face with his and Quinn’s baby for the first time. This, of course, begs the question of whether or not Charlie will soon find out that Quinn’s still alive. According to Lowes, viewers will get to see "some variation of that," which doesn't necessarily rule out the very real possibility that Quinn could still die in the coming episodes.
Rowan proved himself to be not entirely heartless and he was able to spare Quinn’s life as a pregnant woman. But she gave birth and Olivia already believes that she’s dead, so technically speaking, Quinn is of no real value to Rowan anymore. He got his bones back, after all.
Although Lowes admitted that she’s not that far ahead of viewers as far as the scripts she’s gotten, she did say that there’s still the possibility that Rowan could kill Quinn on Scandal. "The crappy part about Rowan is you really cannot trust him, you cannot — and that’s what so great about what Joe Morton, Shonda Rhimes, and the writers have created in these characters," she said in the same Entertainment Weekly interview. "So I think Quinn does trust him, but I don’t know. Personally, I’m like, 'Oh, she shouldn't.'"
If Quinn ends up dying (for the second time, in a way), her baby will more than likely be fine in the end. Rowan’s crowning achievement, other than B613, has always been Olivia and although Quinn’s baby isn’t his actual granddaughter, I have a strong suspicion that he’s already seeing the baby as his own.
Even if Quinn is still standing at the end of Scandal, though, Lowes doesn't know if she and Olivia can ever come back from this. "I don’t know what the end of the series is yet," she told TheWrap, adding:
We haven’t gotten there yet. We haven’t shot it. I don’t know what Shonda’s intentions are as far as what side or team Liv is gonna be on when we end this thing. But as far as Team Olivia and Quinn? And them working together and being okay? I don’t think that, that — that just might not be possible.
Usually the final season of a TV show means that anything goes and anything is possible, so in a way, Quinn could still meet a deadly fate. But I’m still holding out hope that, by the end, the gladiator will come back swinging.
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