What Is A "Chicken Enthusiast"? 'Bachelor's Tiara Soleim Has A Strange Occupation
ABC revealed the contestants for the upcoming season of The Bachelor earlier this month. And while that is exciting enough, Tiara, The Bachelor’s "chicken enthusiast," is sure to make waves during Season 20, which stars Ben Higgins. Mostly, of course, for that ridiculous occupation title. Because what is that? Seriously. What?
Yes, Tiana is a lover of chickens. But, really, ABC is pushing it here. Because that's not Tiana's actual job. The contestant is a dental assistant in Redmond, Washington. Who just also happens to love chickens. Particularly based on Tiana's Instagram, which features photos of Tiana holding chickens, and quite a bit of usage of chicken emoji. And this answer from Tiana on her ABC profile to the question: "What's your guiltiest pleasure of any kind?":
Chickens. If I see chickens anywhere, I want to stop and hold them.
She also told ABC that "my chickens" is one of the five things she can't live without.
So the profession is a stretch and ...obscure, to say the least. But it's a safe bet that Tiara will be a fan favorite. (Well, at least mine.)
But really. What is a chicken enthusiast? There’s not much out there, but digging some and you’ll stumble upon, a few states south of Tiana, a Meetup.com 1,800-member group called Los Angeles Urban Chicken Enthusiasts, which describes themselves as “a very diverse family of chicken lovers and welcome you with open arms!” But it's not just a club meant to love chickens, they hold routine meetings delving into some deep stuff like sustainability and raising the barnyard staple. As the group explains on their page:
You should join if you like the idea of fresh eggs, local, ethical food and enjoy sharing your life with the amazing creatures that hens and roosters are.
Sign me up! Is there anything more info out there about this elusive "profession"? Unfortunately, there not too many groups dedicated to the... er, craft. And nil on any job opportunities related to loving the fellow bird. Bummer. But there is another chicken enthusiast group in Chicago, which is focused on appreciating local birds, best practices on how to raise your own, and busting chicken myths — because one thing this bird doesn’t get is a fair shake.
So, no, it doesn’t look like it’s a “job” per se, but a hobby. A really really cool hobby.
Image: ABC; Giphy