
What Sex Are Beyoncé's Twins? Fans Want To Know
Since the announcement about her pregnancy in February, Beyoncé has been pretty tight-lipped regarding the sex of her twins. There have been many theories about what Beyoncé was having, but until Bey and Jay announce it themselves, fans have to be careful about what they believe (sorry, President Obama). So, now that the blessed day is reportedly here, and Beyoncé and Jay Z's family has grown by two, you're probably wondering what sex Beyoncé's twins are. (Romper reached out for comment, but did not hear back at the time of publication.)
Initial reports Saturday night revealed only that the babies were born some time this past week, but did not provide a birth date, the twins' names, or their sex. However, on Sunday, Us Weekly reported that, according to anonymous sources, Beyoncé and Jay Z had welcomed a baby boy and baby girl. The singer's reps did not immediately confirm those reports, but given earlier speculation, it's likely that the sources were correct.
Earlier on Saturday, rumors of the twins' birth began circulating social media after a woman was seen delivering a set of balloons — one pink and one blue — to the hospital at which Beyoncé had reportedly given birth. Compounding that speculation was the fact that the woman was also "carrying a bouquet of pink, purple and blue flowers" according to E! News, as well as a card that was addressed to "B & J."
As fans waited for more information throughout the weekend, many aired their good-natured impatience on Twitter:
Of course, there is a well-articulated line of thinking that would say that the babies' sex(es) shouldn't be of interest because what people really care about when they focus on a baby's sex is gender, which traditionally gets assigned to individuals based on the genitalia they have at birth. Since it gets assigned, it's a construct, and, many argue, we should really allow children to tell us their gender, rather than foisting one upon them based on their physically characteristics. That's an extremely general explanation of the case against gender and particularly gender assignment, but suffice it to say that there is a compelling case against being super focused on the sex(es) of Beyoncé's babies.
Still, this information will emerge at some point, and the question will be answered. For now, fans will simply have to be patient and wait for either Beyoncé or Jay themselves to break the happy news in an official capacity.