
Joy-Anna & Austin Forsyth Used Anti-Abortion Memes In Their Pregnancy Updates

by Annamarya Scaccia

How a person decides to announce their pregnancy and update their loved ones on the progress is a personal decision. Some people like to keep it lighthearted, while others take a more serious tone. Then there are those parents-to-be who choose to use their updates as an opportunity to share their political beliefs. Case-in-point: Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth's pregnancy update used abortion to denounce choice. Romper reached out to Joy-Anna and Austin for comment but has not heard back at this time.

The recently-wed couple, who star in TLC's show Counting On, included two anti-abortion graphics in their latest Instagram update on Joy-Anna's pregnancy progress, according to In Touch Weekly. The three-image post begins innocently enough. The first slide shows the Duggar daughter's growing belly in a heather gray shirt, along with the caption,

Can't wait to meet our baby!! I got to feel it kick for the first time a few days ago!!! Soooooo amazing!!! It's already about the size of a bell pepper and weighs around half a pound!!!

But the next two slides are where the Oct. 1 pregnancy update goes awry: The second image shows baby feet with the white text that reads, "Life offers no guarantee, but abortion offers no chances." The third photo features Austin Forsyth holding a protest sign with the text, "Abortion kills children."

That's not the only way the Forsyths chose to use their early October pregnancy update to share their anti-abortion views. Their politically-charged Instagram post also included the hashtags, #childrenareagiftfromGod and the popular anti-choice slogan, #westandforlife.

Of course, it's not surprising that the newly-married couple would share such an anti-abortion message on social media. After all, the Duggars and the Forsyths are both ultra-strict conservative, Christian families that, according to Cafe Mom, are active abortion opponents who publicize and attend anti-choice protests. But Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth's Instagram post had nonetheless caused controversy and upset fans — and with good reason. As SheKnows reported, the young couple used what could have been a fun and loving four-month pregnancy update to denounce and judge other people's choices and political beliefs.

As one person wrote on their Instagram post,

Are YOU going to take care of all the children who are born because abortion isn't an option, but the parents can't provide the baby with basic needs or a safe environment? #prochoice

Then there's this bit of wisdom from a fan, according to SheKnows,

I love Joy and Austin...but whether or not a woman decides to abort is HER choice. Circumstances vary for every pregnancy. You have every right to your own beliefs but don't judge and condemn others for theirs.

Other Instagram users commenting on Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth's post took the opportunity to school the couple on why people may need or want an abortion. Among other reasons, they may not want to be a parent, they may have been sexually assaulted, or their life may be in danger. As one person wrote,

I am not for abortion or against it. I think that if you become sexual[ly] active you should [bear] the consequences of it. But I understand and accept it when it happened out of a woman's control like rape. If that makes me a horrible person... then I guess I am one.

The Forsyths also had fans who agreed with their views, and used the comment section to praise their decision to take such a strong anti-choice stance. That, of course, is also to be expected. But, whether or not you are pro-choice, there's one important fact to clear up: A fetus is not a person. A fetus cannot survive outside of the womb until at least 26 weeks of pregnancy, according to scientific research. The majority of abortions occur before 21 weeks. Therefore, abortions do not kill children.

Just so you know.