
When Can A Toddler Use A Pillow?

by Autumn Jones

Transitioning your little one from a crib to a bed can be an exciting time for both you and her. This milestone means that your toddler is becoming more independent and growing up. Having her very own "big girl bed," makes your child feel proud and excited. This is all big stuff, and picking out some adorable bedding is pretty fun too. However, safety is still a priority. You'll want to consider certain precautions like, when can a toddler use a pillow? Because not every child is ready at the same time.

Technically, you're toddler doesn't need to be in a bed in order to use a pillow, but moving out of a crib and the recommended age for introducing a pillow tend to be around the same time. As pediatric sleep expert, Judith Owens, reported for Baby Center, pillows are not recommended for children under two, as "kids that small can easily suffocate while using one." However, two years old (give or take) is around the time kids move from a crib to a bed, so giving them a pillow during this switch feels like a good time to start.

If you're hesitant to give your little one a pillow for fear of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), it's good to know that by the time your child is between 18 to 24 months the risk of SIDS is gone, according to the website for What To Expect. This fact should help you breathe a sign of relief.

However, there are still a few recommendations from the experts about not just when you should give your toddler a pillow, but which type of pillow your toddler should have. As the Baby Sleep Site pointed out, toddler pillows need to meet a few guidelines. First of all, you'll want to the pillow to be small — and some pillows are made specifically for kids. You'll also want to choose one that is flat versus fluffy. A firm pillow will also provide neck support for your child.

Once your kiddo is old enough to sleep with a pillow, it may be fun for the two of you to go shopping for one together. Perusing stores and trying them out may be better than choosing one online, so you and your child can see how they stack up to the safety recommendations. Finding just the right pillow will be the finishing touch to your toddler's new sleeping arrangements.