
Girl Scout cookie season ends April 1, so scouts may start selling less and less through the month o...
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Girl Scout Cookie Sales Will End Soon, So Stock Up While You Can

by Ashley Jones
Originally Published: 

Each season has its share of advantages. Summer, fall, winter, and, spring are all pretty amazing in some way or another. The best season of all, though? Girl Scout cookie season, without a doubt. But exactly when does Girl Scout cookie season end? When will I have to say goodbye to my favorite time of year?

Georgia Daisy troop leader Samantha Darby tells Romper that cookie sales go through the end of March, and most troops will turn in their money April 1 with online orders ending even sooner (March 13 for her troop). "You might even see less cookie booths popping up as the month goes on, but you can still reach out to your local Girl Scouts to ask if they have any cookies left to sell," she says.

Each Girl Scout troop sells cookies for approximately six to eight weeks each year, typically sometime between January and April, according to the official Girl Scouts website. The actual "cookie season" for each troop is set by local leaders, so the exact dates vary based on where you are located. That means you need to take advantage of any cookies sales you see because they won't be around much longer.

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Chances are, a local Girl Scout will knock on your door at least once during their cookie season with an order form or — if you're lucky — an entire wagon full of Thin Mints. Alternatively, your co-worker will hound you to order from their daughter's troop and you will gladly oblige. After all, who doesn't want to support these tiny entrepreneurs and help rid their parents of a dining room table covered in Tagalongs stacked eight boxes high?

Although you can't buy Girl Scout cookies at the store, troops tend to post up outside of supermarkets, big box retailers, and at local fairs and festivals to sell their stash of cookies, but sometimes it's hard to know exactly where their cookie tables will be set up. The Girl Scouts offer a handy tool on their website to find cookies in your area and you can even download the Girl Scout Cookie Finder app to track down that single solitary box of Lemonades you haven't managed to score anywhere all season long.

"It's such a big deal for Girl Scouts to sell these cookies, so if you have the opportunity to stop by a booth or have a Girl Scout in your neighborhood, please try and buy a box or two," Darby says. "They have the opportunity to feel confident and empowered by telling you about the cookies, explaining the cost, and making a sale."

When you purchase Girl Scout cookies, you're not just feeding your primal urge to devour an entire box of Thanks-A-Lots. Yes, cookie sales are about so much more than that.

The money raised by cookie sales goes right back into that scout's troop, Darby tells Romper. "It's up to the troop to decide if they want to use the cookie money in a specific way, but please know it goes right there to keep these girls in scouts, to help fund trips they want to take, and to keep them active in their community," she says. "Whether they use the money to buy supplies to make crafts with nursing home residents, use it to kick off a fundraiser for hungry kids, or use it to help pay for camps that other Girl Scouts might not be able to afford, just know it's going for a good cause."

Between funding their service projects, empowering their entrepreneurial skills, and supporting the local community, cookie sales are an integral part of what makes the Girl Scout organization such a wonderful group for young girls to belong to. When you can rest assured that your money helps support such a worthy cause, you might just be convinced to buy an extra box or five — just don't wait too long.

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