When Does Zika Rash Go Away? It Doesn't Last Long
Is anyone else sick and tired of worrying about Zika? Unfortunately, now that summer is officially here, the chances of getting bitten by a Zika mosquito are very real, and while it's not dangerous for people who aren't trying to get pregnant or already are, one of the main symptoms of Zika is a nasty rash. The good news? Zika rash goes away fairly quickly. Then again, even one day with a rash is one day too many. The rash should be fairly noticeable, since it starts on the face and the spots will be pretty small and bumpy. Within three days, it will spread over the body and then go away on its own. According to the Centers for Disease Control, within a week the entire rash should be gone, along with any of the other symptoms, like a fever and achy pains.
It's not deadly, and it's certainly a much smaller consequence of a bug bite than any of the other, much more serious and deadly, birth defects and disorders that the Zika virus has been linked to in pregnant women and their babies. Currently, there's no specific treatment for Zika or the rash, but if you're exhibiting symptoms, you should go immediately to a doctor to get tested and checked out. In fact, health organizations recommend that you not take or use any over the counter remedies if you develop a rash or any other symptoms until a doctor gives you the go ahead.
Instead, health officials recommend drinking lots of water and staying hydrated. And whatever you do, like with any other rash, try like hell not to start itching it, just like your mother always told you. Which is probably fairly impossible, but it's worth remembering if you can.
Another thing to consider before you start encasing your house and loved ones in mosquito nets and insect repellant is that only about 1 in 4 people who are bitten by a Zika mosquito develop symptoms and it's not deadly. Of course, if you're pregnant or planning on getting pregnant, there are more things to consider to protect yourself from being bitten and talking to a doctor before or after any travel to a Zika infected area on the CDC's travel list.
But the majority of people don't even get sick enough to go to a hospital and some people don't even know they have it — even if they're exhibiting symptoms. A fever, rash, aches, and possible conjunctivitis, while bothersome, are common symptoms of viruses. For most individuals, Zika should be bearable, but the sooner they can do more research for a vaccine or treatment, it's better to cover up. No one wants a rash.