
'Once Upon A Time' Season 6 Needs To Hit Netflix ASAP
The sixth season of Once Upon a Time is coming to a close and it was a roller coaster of a season. There were even more new relatives introduced, a wedding, a musical, more curses, and the highly anticipated final battle. If you missed out on this season, you'll definitely want to check it out soon. So when will Once Upon a Time Season 6 be on Netflix? You'll probably have to wait a little while, unfortunately.
According to What's On Netflix, new seasons of OUAT usually make their way to Netflix in late September, however Season 5 was released on Netflix on Aug. 26, 2016. Therefore, it's possible the streaming site and ABC will do the same thing this year, adding Season 6 at the end of August. Either way, fans will have to wait at least a few months before they can binge the latest season of the magic-filled drama.
That being said, if you're impatient like I am, you can find the entire sixth season on Hulu, though you will have to deal with minimal commercials, and of course getting a plan if you don't already have one. Still, if you desperately want to know everything that went down in Storybrooke this season, Hulu is definitely an option.
Season 6 will come to be even more special for fans, though, especially given all of the departures that will take place leading into Season 7. While it's great that the series has been renewed for another season, it also comes on the heels of Jennifer Morrison's departure news. Since then, other cast members have also announced that they won't be returning as series regulars, including Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White), Josh Dallas (Prince Charming), Jared S. Gilmore (Henry), Rebecca Mader (Zelena), and Emilie de Ravin (Belle). Meanwhile, Lana Parrilla (Regina), Robert Carlyle (Rumple), and Colin O’Donoghue (Hook) will be back for Season 7.
In the two-part episode, Emma engages in the "final battle," against the Black Fairy. It's the ultimate fight of light against darkness, in which Emma and her Storybrooke family will hopefully come out on top. It's unclear how Morrison's departure will tie into things, though, I very much doubt it'll mean her demise. She is the Savior, after all.
Thankfully, creators Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis did promise TVLine during a recent interview that the story won't feel "incomplete" by the finale's end. So at least fans will hopefully get closure when the time comes to bid farewell to so many of Storybrooke's original characters.