
Everyone's Wondering Where Beyonce Will Deliver
Shortly after announcing her pregnancy — with twins! — on Instagram, the next logical question (beyond "what is the Queen Mother Ruler of Our Universe Most Perfect Person Ever having?") is, of course, where will Beyonce deliver her twins? When Beyoncé gave birth to Blue Ivy in January 2011, she famously delivered at Lenox Hill in New York. So, will Bey and Jay and Blue head back to New York to welcome two new little people into their families? It's honestly too early to speculate — and to be wholly honest, it's none of our business.
In her posting on her personal Instagram page, Beyoncé wrote:
We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. - The Carters
Announcing a pregnancy is a sacred, special, joyous time for any family, and jumping the gun to worry about how, when, and where Beyoncé will deliver is no one's concern, least of all the general public's. Just because she delivered in New York last time around doesn't mean that Beyoncé and Jay will opt for another East Coast delivery. Or maybe, if New York is where her doctor is based, that's where they'll want to be. The truth is, it isn't really up to us to decide.
According to a report published by the NY Daily News, Blue Ivy was delivered in the "finest recovery room a baby could have." The Lenox Hill Hospital maternity ward, located on East 77 Street in New York, the Daily News wrote, had "flatscreen TVs, lushly upholstered gray and cream sofas adorned with silken throw pillows." Jay and Bey reportedly paid "up to $800 per night for the palatial fourth-floor roost," adding that "the hip-hop royalty also booked adjacent rooms for their entourage." A Lenox Hill Hospital spokesperson confirmed that leaked photos of the hospital's executive suite were in fact correct, and provided a few more context clues: "There are seven rooms that can be reconfigured, and they run $700 to $800 per night per room. You can do the math. There are four rooms on one side and three on the other.”
Following news of Blue's arrival, many came out of the woodwork to criticize the stars' for booking so many rooms they didn't need on the days and nights leading up to — and following — their baby's birth. The problem, of course, is that none of us know what it's like to be a celebrity. We don't have anyone sitting outside our homes and stalking our every move. We also don't have to worry about a leaked image threatening a private, beautiful, scary, or terrifying personal moment. Beyoncé and Jay Z, unfortunately, have to contend with that reality every day. I know, I know, they chose the fame life and it did not choose them, but I don't think it's too much to ask that in those moments, it's understandable why they would've made those choices to ensure the safety, security, and privacy of one of the most profound moments, even if you don't agree with that choice.
It's all to say that if they decide to deliver in New York this time around, good for them. If they don't, then that's still good for them. They could go to Brooklyn, where Jay Z is originally from, or they could return to Houston, where Beyoncé was raised. They could pick any number of places — Paris, where Blue was reportedly conceived; New Orleans, Alabama — to welcome their two newest family members. Whatever they choose, the choice is up to them. No one can argue with that.