Which Republicans Have Denounced Trump & Which Ones Are Supporting Him?
Republican nominee Donald Trump is in a lit of trouble due to some lewd comments he made on on tape back in 2005 that were released by Access Hollywood on Friday. It might be the tipping point for many of his supporters who reluctantly backed him this year. There are Republicans that have denounced Trump in the wake of the video release and others who are continuing to support him. But as of Saturday afternoon, the former list is growing at a faster rate. Despite the public denouncements, Trump insists that he still has a lot of support.
He told Wall Street Journal reporter Monica Langley, "my phone hasn’t stopped ringing, emails are coming in and even people outside Trump Tower are supporting me.” Trump said in the same interview that there was "zero chance" of him dropping out, even though many prominent Republicans have called for him to do just that.
If there was any doubt about what reality Donald Trump lives in up until now, his refusal to acknowledge the severity of the situation is almost more troubling than the leaked remarks where he talks about hitting on a married woman and "grabbing" women by their genitals to get them going.
Here's a list of major players that are either in or out as of Saturday afternoon.
Paul Ryan
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan uninvited Trump to an event in Wisconsin on Friday and said that he was "disgusted" by the audio recording. But he hasn't pulled his endorsement.
Mike Pence
Pence, who many Republicans are suggesting voters write in on election day, is standing by. He pulled out of an event on Saturday but also said that he was upset by Trump's remarks.
Sen. John Thune
Thune is a senior senator from South Dakota who quickly denounced Trump and called for Pence to be the Republican nominee.
Carly Fiorina
It's not secret that Fiorina isn't a big Trump fan. On Saturday, she released a statement telling voters she would be writing Pence in on her ballot.
Sen. Marco Rubio
The Florida senator didn't totally take his endorsement back, but he's not pleased with his former opponent.
Ben Carson
Carson told reporters that he forgives Trump, but also that more "revelations" about Trump's past behavior will come to light. He has not made up his mind.
Sen. Mitch McConnell
The Senate majority leader hasn't totally denounced Trump but does think that he needs to apologize for his "repugnant" comments.
Sen. Kelly Ayotte
The New Hampshire senator backed Trump early on, but has taken back her support given the most recent scandal.
Mitt Romney
Romney has been against Trump all along, so his reaction to the news isn't surprising, but he definitely had some choice words for the real estate mogul.
Michelle Bachmann
The former Minnesota representative has been taking a strong stance alongside Trump following the remarks and backing his defense that it was all planned by the Clinton campaign to distract from her own scandals.
Ted Cruz
Cruz saw this coming the whole time.
Melania Trump
She's not a party leader, but Trump's wife has even denounced his comments but stands by him.
The list of people denouncing Trump is yuuuge. Many Republican state senators and politicians who had previously spoken against Trump are making sure they denounce him one more time. Even more telling is that there are may prominent Republicans who are not speaking out just yet, presumably waiting for the GOP to make a decision about their nominee so as not to get stuck on the wrong side of politics. In Wisconsin on Saturday, Trump supporters were chanting before Speaker Ryan made an appearance that they still want The Donald, no matter what.