
Jules On 'Floribama Shore' Adds To The Drama Between Gus & Nilsa

by Chrissy Bobic

The Gus and Nilsa drama on Floribama Shore is never ending and I think fans should just accept that already. They’ve gone back and forth between wanting to be with each other and wanting to see other people more times than I can count. The latest hiccup in their would-be relationship is Gus' newfound connection with fellow Cabo vacationer Jules. She’s one of the reasons why things haven’t worked out for "Gilsa" again, but who is Jules on Floribama Shore? Gus met her after the Floribama Shore ladies' participation in the beach twerking contest, so I guess you could say it was love at first twerk?

In last week’s episode, "Too Late For Apologies," Jules was in and out as a potential new romance for Gus, but every time it seemed like she might go back to the hotel with him and the others, it didn't quite work out. Unfortunately, that means that not much is known about the mystery woman other than the fact that she’s definitely not from Cabo, since she was due to take a flight home the following morning.

One fan on Instagram commented on one of Gus' pictures that Jules actually knew the man that Nilsa and the other women gave lap dances to during the twerking contest and that the whole Gus and Jules thing was a setup for more drama. That’s hard to confirm and at this point it’s just speculation, but it does look like not much else happened with Jules other than a few drinks and some makeout sessions in the club.

There might have been more to Gus and Jules’ connection than was shown on Floribama Shore, however. At one point, Kirk referred to her as "wifey material." It’s possible that Gus and Jules spent more time together than was shown on camera. Either way, it certainly did create more drama between Gus and Nilsa. So much so that the rest of the roommates were in agreement that Gilsa was getting old fast.

Because of Gus' interest in Jules, Nilsa began pursuing him harder than she’d already been doing before. In return, Gus seemed more conflicted than ever about his feelings for his roommate and sometimes friend with benefits. After one particularly deep conversation at a bar, Gus told the camera, "Maybe I should give her another chance," in reference to Nilsa and his romantic relationship. Right after she kissed him, though, Jules showed up at said bar and his attention immediately reverted back to the other woman. It was either perfect or terrible timing, however you choose to look at it.

He even said in one of his interviews that he immediately decided to put all of his "eggs in one basket" again after seeing Jules. The same night, Gus flirted in front of Jules while he asked other women for their phone numbers. He’s always been all over the place, but his conflicting feelings over Jules and Nilsa at the same time clearly made him more confused.

Gus hasn't said anything about Jules on social media and since she, too, was in Cabo on vacation, it was likely just a quick fling, regardless of the added drama it brought to Nilsa and Gus. It’s hard to say if Jules will have been a good thing for their on again/off again relationship or another wrench thrown into things to further drive them apart before they eventually get back together again.

I just wish that Nilsa and Gus would either get together and make it official or squash things for good so they can be free to pursue other people without fighting about it afterward. It’s honestly getting to be exhausting.

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