
Kim Kardashian's Doctor Has Delivered More Than His Share Of Celebrity Babies
Finding a good OB-GYN should be at the top of any woman's list of priorities. This applies to celebrity women as well, which begs the question of who they trust with their care. Famous people often have famous doctors it seems. For example, who is Kim Kardashian's doctor? Well, he's got a lot of famous clients, to say the least.
Kim, like many in the Kardashian camp, reportedly trusts her care to Dr. Paul Crane, according to Bravo. Dr. Crane is the Beverly Hills based OB-GYN who not only delivered Kim's children, but also those of Kourtney and Rob Kardashian, the network explained. The Los Angeles Times even reported that Dr. Crane — who reportedly has six children of his own — even delivered Kim when Kris Jenner was his patient. Talk about keeping it in the family.
The KarJenners are not Dr. Crane's only famous family of patients. TMZ recently released images of Beyoncé's twins' birth certificates, which show that Dr. Crane also reportedly delivered Rumi and Sir Carter. Along with providing the name of their delivering doctor, the birth certificates also indicate that Rumi has bragging rights as the older sibling, along with free reign to call Sir her "baby bro." (But Bey's royal children will be far too sophisticated to stoop to such lowly humor, am I right?)
With rumors of four, count 'em, four pregnancies circulating out of the KarJenner household, fans are wondering if even the likes of Dr. Crane will be able to keep up. While Kim is the only sister to officially confirm a coming child, Kylie Jenner is reportedly expecting, as is Khloe Kardashian, and even oldest sister, Kourtney Kardashian was recently reported to have one more on the way — if the rumors are to be believed. Given the good doctor's standing role with the family, he may be looking at a very busy year.
Dr. Crane has not shied away from the limelight that his famous clients bring him. According to IMDb, he appeared, as himself, on an episode of Dr. 90210 in 2008, along with several episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians over the years as he provided care for Kim and Kourtney when they were pregnant with their children.
There is good reason for all of these celebs to trust their bodies and their babies with Dr. Crane. For one thing, this guy has a lot of experience. In a 2013 interview with Los Angeles Magazine, Dr. Crane estimated he has delivered 5,000 babies over the past four decades — who knows how many he has added to the list since then. Additionally, Dr. Crane has gotten Kim through a number of complications in her two pregnancies.
According to Marie Claire, during her first pregnancy with husband Kanye West that brought her North, Kim suffered from pre-eclampsia, an extreme form of high blood pressure that can cause a number of dangerous complications for both mother and baby. After a premature birth, Kim suffered from placeta accreta, a condition where the placenta doesn’t attach from the wall of the womb properly. In her blog post about the experience, Kim wrote:
My doctor had to stick his entire arm in me and detach the placenta with his hand, scraping it away from my uterus with his fingernails. How disgusting and painful!!!
The doctor referred to in her post is Dr. Crane. As harrowing an experience as this was, Dr. Crane got her through it. Unfortunately, this wasn't the last of Kim's complications. According to the Los Angeles Times, during her pregnancy with Saint, along with another experience with placenta accreta, Kim found out that he was breech, which means that he was facing the wrong way for birth — his feet, not his head were turned down. She wrote another blog post about this complication, explaining:
I've surrendered to the placenta issues and actually haven't been thinking too deeply about them lately. However, my latest concern is that my baby is breech, meaning he's in the wrong position for childbirth. His head is still up and it's supposed to be down. He was supposed to turn by 32 weeks. So now, I will have to get a C-section. Or so I thought!
So she thought, because she later discovered that breech babies can be delivered vaginally, a procedure that she explained her doctor, Dr. Crane, is able to do even though "they just don't even teach it anymore." Dr. Crane discussed the topic, as well as why breech practitioners like himself are far and few between, at the premiere of Heads Up: The Disappearing Art of Vagina Breech Birth produced by Dr. Elliot Berlin, DC. He has also appeared on talk shows and in other videos talking on this and other pregnancy and birth related topics.
No information has been released yet as to whether or not Dr. Crane will deliver the baby that Kim and Kanye's reported surrogate is carrying, or whether he will be in charge of the care for Kim's sisters' alleged pregnancies. One thing is for sure, though — he's got the list of references to make him qualified for all four. But, will he have the time?
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