Nashville's midseason finale aired Thursday, March 9 and although it's only the second episode after Rayna's death, the show still found a way to end on a huge cliffhanger. Scarlett has been acting super maternally towards Maddie and Daphne since Rayna's accident, and while at first it seemed like she was just stepping up her Auntie role in the wake of tragedy, we now know there might be some other forces at play. Scarlett confessed to Gunnar that she's pregnant at the very end of the episode, but who is the father of Scarlett's baby on Nashville? There are two potential options.
Scarlett has mostly been enjoying the single life since splitting up with Gunnar to pursue whatever was developing between her and The Exes' music video director Damien George. Their working relationship began tumultuously at first, with Damien heavily leaning on the technique of "make your leading lady miserable to pull emotions out of her" in an effort to capture a gorgeous music video. Scarlett was understandably furious over some vaguely nonconsensual psychological games, but once she saw the finished product, she like... deeply fell for him? It's a little 50 Shades of Grey, but let's forgive it for now. After some chemistry-filled moments and a kiss, Scarlett breaks it off with Gunnar to sort out her feelings.
Cue a very extended romp in Damien's hotel room for untold days, and Scarlett seems on top of the world. Damien eventually leaves though, being British and an extremely in-demand director, and she's left on her own again, just as Rayna falls victim to a fatal car crash. Scarlett barely has time to process her fling before she's thrust into helping her uncle Deacon take care of her cousins Maddie and Daphne. Gunnar is mostly moping around in the background this whole time, but he does find himself in the right place at the right time, just as Scarlett breaks down at the funeral.
In the midseason finale, The Exes are presented with a touring opportunity, which Scarlett at first turns down to be with her family in their time of grief. But after finishing Rayna's album with the whole gang, she decides she wants to go on tour after all. However, she breaks the news to Gunnar, she's pregnant. He asks point blank who the father is and she admits that she doesn't know. They did have sex once during Damien's pursuit of Scarlett, so the muddled timeline makes sense.
In previews for upcoming episodes, we see Scarlett in a doctor's office getting a paternity test. But the next episode of Nashville won't air until after the midseason break, which is set to last two-to-three months. It'll be awhile before this burning question has an answer.