
Who Is Tiffany Hendra On 'Real Housewives Of Dallas'? She Is Making A Big Move
If it wasn't enough that Bravo lay claim to two handfuls of other Real Housewives series, they are now introducing Real Housewives of Dallas. But don't get it twisted — I'm not complaining, mind you, because no, it wasn't enough for Bravo to have a handful of Housewives shows because we all know how easy it is to gobble them all up. But, if you're perusing the cast of the new installment and asking yourself, who is Tiffany Hendra on Real Housewives of Dallas and what is she doing there, well, you're not alone.
It doesn't take much to be considered one of the Real Housewives these days, and the phrase has become something to describe a socially elite woman who may or not be a mother and may or may not be in a relationship or marriage with an equally as elite man. But Tiffany Hendra is most definitely a married housewife in this case and kind of down to earth. When she wants to be.
But if you're a Real Housewives fan of any of the other numerous versions, you probably know that what they show on the TV and what happens via social media can vary greatly. You might not catch Tiffany on Real Housewives of Dallas just lounging around, makeup free, pony-tail high on her head, but the real world tells a decent story of who she is, where she comes from, and what to expect when you delve into this particular Real Housewives show.
Will Tiffany deliver drama? Of course, or else she would probably not have been asked to join at all. Will her past be dredged up time and time again? Once more, what do you think this is? Every dirty skeleton will be brought up because that's how they do on Real Housewives, but you know you love it. I don't know about flipping tables and blacklisting each other just yet, but only time will tell, right? Regardless, here are a few things you need to know about Tiffany Hendra of Real Housewives of Dallas.
She's Coming From L.A. But Grew Up In Dallas
Hendra spent the past 15 years working in Los Angeles as a model, actress, and lifestyle mentor, but will be returning to Dallas for Real Housewives and a chance to reconnect with her family.
She Has A Rich Ethnic Background
With an ethnic background of Cherokee, Chickasaw, Czechoslovakian, and Japanese, Hendra has an exotic blend of her ethnicity that shows.
She Is A Blogger
It doesn't take much (besides, I don't know, a strong as Hell backbone) to become one of the Real Housewives, but to deal with all of that on top of holding down a place for yourself in society and a cool blog makes Hendra a bit above the average real housewife. Her blog, Sanctuary of Style, is all about womanhood and strength which, again, gives her a whole sh*t ton of extra cool points.
She Is A Philanthropist
And not the kind that just says they feel bad for those with less and gains attention by raising money. Instead, Hendra has traveled to South Sudan to work with the orphanage, Angels of East Africa. Her Bravo bio also states that because she and her husband were not able to have children of their own, they've been able to dedicate their lives to helping kids in need.
She Has An Acting Past
When Tiffany was announced to be a Housewife, many outlets labeled her an adult film star, which she spoke out against in a recent issue of Us Weekly. The magazine reports that Tiffany was "hired for her acting ability," and her work on the series on Cinemax, Black Tie Nights, does not qualify her as a porn star.
Her BFF Is Fellow Housewife Brandi Redmond
Which is pretty hard to come by, as much of the Real Housewives empire is about the wives themselves being nothing short of crazy to each other while talking smack behind their backs. You know, like Bad Girls Club, but all grown up. Without being too grown up.