
No Character Is Safe In 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7
Game of Thrones Season 7 is finally almost here and while many fans are excited, others can't help but worry about their favorite characters. The death toll in Westeros is very high and every season fans have to say goodbye to at least one of their favorite characters (though some character deaths are well deserved). So who will die in Games of Thrones Season 7? Unsurprisingly, there are already plenty of theories.
While there are many characters to worry about, fans can at least rest easy about one Stark's survival. During a recent interview with HeyUGuys, Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa, let it slip that she'd be filming for Season 8 of Game of Thrones after she finishes up filming the next X-Men film. "We’re about to start shooting the next X-Men, we’ve just finished shooting Season 7 of [Game of] Thrones, and I’ve got a couple of movies to do before X-Men starts," Turner stated. "And then we go on to Season 8." Thankfully, that ensures at least one Stark will be surviving the season. The Starks haven't had a great survival rate since Season 1.
Besides Sansa though, everyone else's lives seem to be up in the air right now. However, it does seem unlikely that big players like Cersei, Jon Snow, and Daenerys will die prior to the final season (if at all). Then again, this is Game of Thrones, so you never really know. Here are some characters that fans should definitely be worried about heading into Season 7...
Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane
Technically, the Mountain is kind of already dead ever since the Viper hit with a poisoned stick, but he's still been walking around as a sort of zombie, doing Cersei's dirty work. However, that could all come to an end in Season 7 when/if Cleganebowl finally happens. Fans have theorized for ages that the Clegane brothers (the Mountain and the Hound) will face off for a trial by combat and since the Hound returned last season, fans are even more certain the two of them will battle it out, and only one can be left standing.
Sandor "The Hound" Clegane
Same deal here. Only one brother will survive the face-off and unfortunately, the Mountain definitely has the upper-hand since he's kind of already dead.
Samwell Tarly
Though Sam and Gilly are seemingly safe at the Citadel, it's sometimes the ones that seem the most safe that end up going through a surprising demise. All that's known about what Sam gets into this season is he'll be working with a maester who's not as nice as Dumbledore. That could definitely be bad news for Sam, Gilly, and little Sam.
Yara Greyjoy
Yara has the unfortunate position of being important enough that characters want her dead, but she's not necessarily a central enough player to be kept alive to the very end. Even though she's teamed up with Daenerys to hopefully take out her uncle, Euron, he will probably seek allies of his own, like teaming up with Cersei, for example. This is another scenario where both can't survive.
Theon Greyjoy
Now that Theon and his sister are on good terms again, it wouldn't be all that surprising if Theon ended up sacrificing himself to save his sister at some point this season. Though Yara gave him a good pep talk last season, Theon has gone through a lot and that guilt over everything he did may push him to make a big sacrifice to right some of his past wrongs.
Euron Greyjoy
Every season has it's villain and this season that's Euron. Though some villains tend to get away with a lot (i.e. Cersei), for the most part villains tend to get when they deserve (i.e. Joffrey and Ramsay). Therefore, Euron may not last very long, especially since his niece and nephew have Daenerys on their side.
Meera Reed
While some fans are wondering if Bran and Meera are finally going to have a romance, I'm worried about whether or not Meera will survive this season. The last fans saw of Meera and Bran, they were being left by the wall and Bran had the vision that finally confirmed Jon Snow's real parentage. While these two have survived a lot, they're still currently all on their own and with the White Walker army rising they're still in grave danger.
You can see who lives and who dies when Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres on HBO on Sunday, July 16 at 9 p.m. ET.