
Abby's Actions Need To Be Explained On 'Scandal'
Scandal fans are still recovering from the shocking twist at the end of last Thursday's episode. Though Huck was supposed to kill Rowan, it was Huck who ended up on the wrong side of gun and all because of Abby. At least, that's how it currently seems. Rowan revealed there was a mole close to Olivia that they were working with the people who forced him to kill Frankie Vargas. At the end of the episode, it was revealed that both Abby and Meg were working with the mysterious group. So why is Abby the mole on Scandal?
Darby Stanchfield, who plays Abby, told Entertainment Weekly, this week's episode is all about discovering Abby's motives. "This next episode on Thursday, we go back to Election Night and we follow it through Abby's point of view," Stanchfield stated during the interview. "But we also see a bunch of Abby's decisions and actions leading up to Election Night and how involved she is in everything that's going on with Election Night — Frankie Vargas' death, all of that."
She also mentioned that fans should be worried about Abby being corrupted by power. Though Abby's betrayal may have been shocking, her reaching for power is not. Ever since she took Cyrus' job as White House Chief of Staff, Abby has been power hungry. She took over Frankie's hospital wing when he was shot (something that looks very suspicious now) and told David and the FBI director they couldn't give Cyrus the death penalty even though Fitz never said such a thing.
What's confusing, however, is that if Abby has been working for this mysterious group, why didn't she want Cyrus to get the death penalty? Wouldn't that have helped the group, since they wanted Mellie to be president? These are questions the newest episode will probably answer and more. Stanchfield also told TVLine that the episode won't only "explore [Abby's] relationship with power" but will also reveal "what her weaknesses are."
While the episode will reveal to fans all they need to know about Abby, it won't reveal Huck's fate. Unfortunately, fans will have to wait until the following episode to know if Huck survives, however, Guillermo Diaz, who plays the character, told Entertainment Weekly in the same interview that "there's hope for Huck." So don't work Scandal fans, Huck may just make it out of this alive.
Abby, on the other hand, may have gotten herself into a bit of a mess. Working with people who scare Rowan is a risky business and no matter what Abby's reasons were, getting involved with these people could be her biggest mistake yet.