

Elizabeth Has Doubts About Jamie On 'Married At First Sight'

by Megan Walsh

Elizabeth Bice and Jamie Thompson's marriage has been marked by fight after fight on Season 9 of Married at First Sight. Though their relationship might have seemed promising at first, it appears to be dissolving faster than you can say "that dress is fab." But will Elizabeth and Jamie stay married on MAFS?

That's the big question going into Decision Day. There's still one more week before the couples have to make that final call, however. In this exclusive clip from "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not," Elizabeth debates her future with Jamie over a meal with her mom. The clip opens with a confessional segment outside of the restaurant, with Elizabeth alone. She informs the camera that she has a lot to think about with Decision Day looming so close. She has to figure out if Jamie is the right person for her, and determine if her life is better with him in it. It's not an easy choice to make; Elizabeth was "on the edge today" and "anxious" at the mere thought of untangling it all.

That was why she needed her mom's words of wisdom. And Mom was there to help. She noted that there had been a lot of ups and downs between Jamie and Elizabeth, which resulted in stress. So how did Elizabeth feel about everything that had happened over the past eight weeks?

Elizabeth did not seem to feel great about it. She told her mom that she had to see if she could get past some of the things Jamie had said to her, which left her feeling criticized. A helpful series of flashbacks illuminated several key moments: Jamie remarking that Elizabeth getting a job from her family was nepotism, as well as his anger that she only cared about her dress and hair when looking at their wedding album. Elizabeth couldn't understand how such a good night had taken such a sharp turn, which echoed something Jamie said when they spoke with Dr. Viviana Coles: they were either on cloud 9 together, or calling the marriage off. It was always one extreme or the other.

Back at the very empty restaurant, Elizabeth said that Jamie was "way too emotional" and she wasn't sure she could deal with that for the rest of her life. She had to consider everything before she chose to end their marriage or stick it out. "I definitely think it's safe to say we've brought some bad sides out of each other and some really good sides of each other," Elizabeth noted in the street-side confessional. "And my anxiety has been going back and forth for the past few days. I've had a really tight feeling in my chest. I'm just so nervous at this point. I really don't know what I'm going to do."

The clip cut off before Mom could commence the advice-giving, so fans will have to check out the full episode to see how the conversation turns out. But while I am neither a mom with advice skills or a therapist with a degree, I must say the outlook doesn't seem very good. Elizabeth's constant anxiety over Jamie doesn't make their marriage sound comfortable for her, and bouncing between two extremes is exhausting. It's not clear what Elizabeth and Jamie will decide come Decision Day, but I'm putting my vote firmly in the divorce column.

Married at First Sight airs Tuesdays on Lifetime.