
Women Are Bigger Activists Than Their Male Counterparts
We all know women get things done — but there's a new poll that definitively proves that when it comes to the anti-Trump movement, women are really getting it done. An unscientific poll, conducted by Lake Research Partners and focusing on members of the civic action group Daily Action, found that women made the majority of anti-Trump calls to Congress. Other surveys and polls have largely turned up the same response: the anti-Trump movement is overwhelmingly made up of women, and many of them have said they're planning to become more politically involved. Considering the danger a Trump administration poses to women, that shouldn't exactly be surprising.
Daily Action members receive, via text message, a civic action to carry out every morning — and the to-do list often involves calling a member of Congress. Of the 28,320 Daily Action members who responded to a text-based poll recently sent out by Lake Research Partners, a stunning 86 percent were women, and most members fell between age 30 and 65. Daniel Gotoff, who leads Lake Research's New York office, told the Huffington Post that poll respondents were likely Daily Action's most active members, or "the ones making the calls and showing up at events." Judging by their gender and age range, many of them are likely moms, as well.
According to the Huffington Post, female liberal Democrats were also 7 percentage points more likely than Democratic men to report protesting, marching, or demonstrating in a SurveyMonkey poll, and 6 points more likely to say they'd written Congress representatives. A post-election survey by PerryUndem, a nonpartisan public opinion research firm, found that Trump had a net favorability rating of -24 points among women and only -3 among men, and women were more likely to support an increase in female politicians in government.
The Lake Research poll showed that the one major issue concerning Daily Action activists was health care (37 percent of respondents said it was their number one voting issue), which also helps explain the surge in female activism. So far, the Trump administration has mainly come after health care issues that affect women, with attempts to slash Planned Parenthood funding, repeal mandated maternity and birth insurance coverage, and limit abortion access. It has also cut funding for women's health care abroad.
These are issues that overwhelmingly affect women and moms, so it's really no surprise that women are turning out en masse to protest the Trump administration's policies. So far, the Women's March on Washington and Day Without a Woman have been massive successes — so let's hope women continue to dial up the activism and let American politicians know what they want and need from their government.