
Your Parenting Horoscope For July 31-August 6
It's true: Your zodiac sign can offer insight into plenty of random moments in your everyday life, from how you can best tackle your toddler's worst tantrums to identifying your career goals. Romper partnered with astrologer Maressa Brown to share how you can make what's going on up in the sky work for you and score even more bliss and balance in your day-to-day. Here's your weekly horoscope for July 31-August 6.
On Monday, Venus—the planet of love and beauty—moves into water sign Cancer, the most maternal sign of the whole zodiac, where it'll hang out 'til August 26. So the next few weeks should be a great time for all the warm, fuzzy, family-oriented activities you wanna squeeze in this summer. You might feel even more like a supermom than usual.
The other astrological highlight of the week: Sudden game-changer Uranus goes retrograde in Aries on Thursday—and it'll stay that way until January 2, 2018. Oof. This isn't as bad of a headache as it sounds, though, because in this case, retrograde offers an opportunity for you to benefit personally from the chaos-loving planet. It's a good time to do some self-reflection that could allow you to finally change up old patterns or behaviors that aren't working for you anymore (like maybe that workout plan you started post-baby, or that toxic relationship).
Read more below to find out what this week's forecast means for your sign.
Aries (March 21–April 19)
You might be inspired to start meditating or journaling to better process feelings around a big picture situation (maybe related to trying for baby #2 or mapping out your birth plan) while game-changer Uranus is retrograde in your sign from Thursday through the end of the year. Time spent reflecting on this could make it easier for you to come up with a concrete action plan.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You'll be able to feel like your bae and/or your kids are understanding you much better than usual from Monday to August 26 while Venus, the planet of love, is in your third house of communication. You can take advantage of that by asking for a spa day or brunch in bed or just someone else to do the damn laundry for once. But you'll probably just want time with your L.O. and partner. Aww! That's OK. Own it, mama!
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
If you've been wanting to switch things up in the bedroom, you're gonna be pretty much compelled to handle it around Friday, when big picture Jupiter forms an intense angle to transformative Pluto in your eighth house of sexual intimacy. Doing something totally out of the norm like figuring out a plan for getting your L.O. in bed an hour earlier or calling your MIL to take the kids for the night could set a whole new exciting tone for your relationship. Hawt.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You are going to be totally in your element and feeling the love soon! That's because romantic Venus is in your sign from Monday to August 26, which will have you feeling more maternal, more appreciated, and more emotional to boot. Figuring out simple ways to just spend really sweet downtime with your bae and babies (like taking evening walks or staying in bed together on a rainy weekend) can be super-rejuvenating RN. Enjoy it!
Leo (July 23-August 22)
You might feel like holing up and doing a whole lotta cat-napping with your L.O. and bae starting on Monday 'til August 26, while Venus—the planet of love—is in your twelfth house of spirituality. You may feel kinda burned out from all of the running, and you'll be in need of a recharge. You're gonna be feelin' the need to take care of others, but also, seriously, you need to do you.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Ugh, steel yourself for some cranky-ass behavior from your kid and/or partner on Tuesday, when the moon in your fourth house of family life forms a negative angle to communicator Mercury in your sign. You could feel like no matter what you say, the reaction from your fam is irritating. Maybe just go do your own thing (yep, maybe Mama needs to hit up the gym RN) and this headache-inducing energy will pass.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
You'll do well to think in terms of what's best for your L.O.—and you!—in the long run around Friday. That's because expansive Jupiter in your sign forms an intense angle to transformative Pluto in your fourth house of home life, and you're gonna be inspired to make changes based on what you need right now and going forward. Maybe a different child care plan or asking your partner to tackle more feedings?
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You might want to take a close look at your schedule after Thursday, so you can figure out ways to boost productivity and work-life balance. That's because game-changer Uranus is retrograde in your sixth house of routines, and self-reflection may lead to sudden epiphanies that really inspire you to make sweeping changes (like changing your job situation around for more flexibility). The realization may come quickly, but the actual game plan may take a bit to work through. It's all good—you've got this.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Romantic Venus is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy from Monday until August 26, which means you should be having a majorly romantic time with your partner. OK, sure, you might be sneaking sexts while you're pumping, and then jumping each other quickly in the AM before the baby wakes up. But this could be a totally sensual time for you. Oh. Hell. Yes.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
You might feel like higher-ups totally don't get what you're after in terms of your goals and direction or vision around Friday, when big picture Jupiter forms an intense angle to transformative Pluto in your sign. Getting clear about what you want and how you're going to get there will make it easier for you to act on your dreams. Taking some weekend downtime at home—either by just cooking with your toddler or spooning with your partner—will help you chill and gain clarity, too.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Think about how to give your cumbersome schedule a makeover after Monday, when the planet of beauty, Venus, will be in your sixth house of routine, making it easier to get creative and perhaps envision a more workable game plan. If it feels overwhelming at first, making smaller tweaks (like getting a sitter even for a few hours so you can tackle that side hustle) may make a world of difference. You're so freakin' innovative anyway—trust! You'll figure it out!
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
You might be feeling mushy and flirty with your partner from Monday to August 26 while Venus—the planet of love—is in your fifth house of romance. While everything on your to-do list might make it seem like date night is a total fantasy, things can get really freakin' hot when you embrace spur of the moment fun. Yes, you should definitely enjoy that midnight rendezvous in the kitchen or FaceTime sesh when one of you is working late.