Baby Names

36 August-Inspired Names Perfect For Summer Babies
Hot baby summer.
August babies bookend the summer, heralding a last breath of sheer joy before back to school craziness and the arrival of fall. It’s a sweet, sunset season, made better when a new baby is in the picture. August comes from the Latin word augustus, meaning "consecrated" or "venerable.” That’s a lot of weight for a wee little baby to carry, but if it rings true for you, then you can go right ahead and name your newborn August.
If you want another name that evokes the very best of the month of August, that speaks to those gorgeous hot afternoons, vacations and play, relaxation and time together, an abundance of fresh veggies and fruit, and beautiful blooms, these are the names for you. Using the season and all of its fun as a jumping off point, you can find loads of August-appropriate names. Or, another hot tip, look into other influential August babies. Like, did you know Julia Child and Lucille Ball were born in August? True statement. How about a baby Jules or Lucy after these two fierce females.
These names each have some symbolic connection to the month of August and proves that being born in the late-bloomer season is actually quite a boon.
People often choose to name their children Augustine after St. Augustine. A great Christian thinker, St. Augustine is known for being one of the most influential philosophers of the faith.
This is the name of the gemstone that symbolizes August. A bright green stone, its brilliant hue might feel like a metaphor for your brilliant babe. Plus, Peri makes a great nickname.
In Hebrew the name Asher means happy or blessed. And wow, doesn’t that sum up the feeling of delivering a happy baby at the end of the summer?
The Stella d'Oro day lily is a stunning bright yellow bloom that takes over gardens in the summer. Tall blossoms found growing both in the wild and in gardens, the baby name Stella is a nice nod to these August flowers.
Liam means guardian or protector. And if you plan your August baby to be the first of many, perhaps they’ll grow up to be a protector of many brothers and sisters.
Jasper has Persian origins and means treasurer. This can be interpreted for August as something to treasure in the summer season. A gift given at the closing act of summer.
If there’s one plant you’ll find nearly everywhere in the U.S. in August, it’s black-eyed Susans. The signature bloom features yellow petals around a dark center of the head. If you love these flowers, name your daughter Susan after them.
Summer is such a peaceful time. Especially in the golden hour of the evenings when you sit outside and listen to the crickets or wait for the fireflies. If you want to give your August babe a name that evokes this peaceful feeling, name them Oliver, which means peace and dignity.
The name Hazel comes from the hazelnut, a brown edible fruit. A favorite dessert topping, you can begin to harvest these delicious snacks at the end of August through October — and then name your baby after them as a sweet reminder.
You may not feel very wise delivering a baby in the oppressive heat of august, but once you get to enjoy your sweet child in the cool of fall, it’ll all pay off. To hint at that forethought, name your baby Sophia which means wisdom.
Playing in the river, be it paddle boarding, kayaking, or just going for a three-hour float, is a rite of passage for a lot of people in the summer. If you love lazy days by the river, name your baby River.
Gathering wood in the summer to stock up for the winter is something families do together in August. And sawyer means just that. It’s old English for “sawer of wood.” Prep your kid for their future chores by naming them Sawyer.
Poppies are the designated flowers of August. And for good reason. This is when they bloom and fill gardens with bright reds splashes of color. Give your girl the same name and she’ll be a pop of beauty in your life for all time.
In Old Norse, Ingrid means beauty. That’s what parents of August babies will be overwhelmed by, both the beauty of the world at this abundant season and the beauty of their gorgeous new baby.
Magnus means great in Latin. Which is to say, Magnus makes a great name for any season, but after a looong hot summer, it will truly feel great to finally deliver your baby and have his sweetness to distract you from the last gasp of summer.
Allegra isn’t just an allergy med, although that might also make a symbolic August baby name for you. Allegra means joyful in Italian. And won’t you be jumping for joy when your baby finally arrives in August?
Looking back you may remember the final days of your pregnancy spent watching the Olympics and hoping your baby comes out as strong as those international competitors. To send her on her way name her Valencia, Italian for strength.
Adinah means decoration in Hebrew. This name feels appropriate for August as your new baby will adorn your home with their spirit and grace, like a late blooming flower.
Gabriel means “God is my strength” in Hebrew and that’s a powerful meaning to bestow upon a child. Especially an August baby that has to have the strength to withstand celebrating their birthday in the last month of summer every year.
When you consider the sounds of August, the buzzing of bees might come to mind. Pollinators love this time of year as they fly through the garden collecting nectar and furthering plants to bloom. To evoke this circle of life choose the name Beckett, which means beekeeper, for your baby.
This is a no-brainer. August babies born before the 22 fall under the Leo sign. Leos are known for being fun loving and loyal, great attributes any parent would want their child to have and a perfect excuse to name a baby Leo.
In Latin Luna means moon, and August is perfect for stargazing. If you find yourself hanging out late stroking your giant belling and considering the heavens, perhaps Luna is the right name for your baby.
Taken from the Norse word for cloud, this great name evokes both sky and what fills it. And aren’t August skies with their puffy clouds a sight to behold — no match for your new baby of course.
Luca means bringer of light in Italian and as August feels like the last gasp of long hot summer days, it’s a fitting name for an August baby. They can bring the light to your life every day.
If “On the Pontoon” is your song of the summer and your family spends hours cruising the lake, swimming, and hanging out, naming your August baby Lake makes sense. Memories of being out on the water can bring you back to these halcyon days each time you say your child’s name.
Kai is Welsh for “keeper of the keys.” How does that relate to August? That depends on how creative you want to get. But in some ways your August baby is unlocking the door to a new season in your life. One begun in the summer, a time you’ll never forget.
She was the roughest toughest cowgirl of her day, and Annie Oakley, the sharpshooter who starred in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show was born in August. Talk about girl power energy. Name your baby Annie to give your own girl the same vibes.
Another August birthday girl, Dorothy Parker was a towering wit who made her name writing for the New Yorker. If you want your daughter to be brilliantly funny, name her after Dorothy Parker.
Continuing the August birthday idea, there’s always Davy Crockett to name your child after. Davy was born in August and went on to become a folk hero and frontiersman. For a family of outdoor lovers, the name Davy might be a perfect fit.
This fruit is a quintessential August snack. They smell delicious, taste fantastic, and can be a sweet or savory dish. As a pregnant person, you might find yourself inhaling peaches in the last trimester. So why not name your baby after the stone fruits?
It would be remiss to sleep on the most famous August baby, Barack Obama. If you want your child to have a role model who was born the same month they were, you can’t go wrong with baby Barack.
Coral may be a sea invertebrate, but it’s also one of the most beautiful phenomenon in the world. Any scuba diver can speak to how incredible coral is. If you can’t wait to whisk your child off to the coral reefs in future Augusts for snorkeling trips, name them Coral.
Nerida means mermaid and that might be what your baby feels like in the midst of afternoons trying to stay cool in the pool. Help them develop their love of the water by naming them Nerida.
Circling back to the name Augustine, you don’t have to go so formal. You can just name your baby Gus and still evoke the season. Short and sweet, it works well for the month they arrive.
Short of coconut, Coco is like the ultimate summer name. It hints at a tropical world where sun and sand are at the center of things. Perhaps that’s the exact same attitude your August baby will deliver.
Sonny sounds like sunny and is a sweet name to reference the summer sunshine of August. Your child is your new sunshine, so what better name than Sonny?
Now you can start rolling these names off your tongue and see what feels right. But don’t take too long. August always seems to fly by and your baby will be here before you know it.
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