
24 Instagram Captions For Pics Of Your Baby Trying Solid Food For The First Time
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Jumping into the world of eating solid foods is a major step for babies, and one worth celebrating with a social media post. Capture the magic with these Instagram captions for pictures of your baby eating solid food for the first time.
These caption ideas will help you spill the beans while also documenting the moment in perpetuity, so pick out a cute outfit (one you don’t mind getting stained) and get ready. One fun way to look at it is by considering classic food-related sayings or phrases: “Baby’s first solids? Easy peasy.” Based on the expression on your child’s face, you’ll know just the right one to pick. Maybe something like, “Applesauce, yes. Green beans, no.”
Whatever Instagram caption you choose, just have fun with it. This is a moment that only happens once, so keep your camera at the ready to snap the perfect photo, and then nail the Instagram caption for pictures of your baby eating their first solid food. By the time they’re 18 and ordering their own filet mignon at their high school graduation dinner, you’ll be happy you captured their very first nibble of real food way back when. Besides, once they’re a toddler, they may not be so keen on their fruits and veggies anymore. You’ll want to remember this.
1Felt cute. Might eat more later.
This Instagram caption for a picture of a baby eating solid food for the first time is perfect, especially if they’re covered in it. No shame in the messy eating game, kid. Own your personal food fight. We’re here for it.
2He’s got a lot on his plate this week.
It’s so much fun letting your baby taste new foods once they get started. So, if you have your roster of new flavors to try all set up, this is the caption for you.
3Baby’s first solids? Easy peasy.
Some things just come naturally, and nomming on purees and soft solids is one of those things for most babies.
4Yum yum in his tum tum.
Those first appreciative coos over solid foods are something to behold. So why not use those noises as your Instagram caption for pictures of your baby eating their first solid food?
5Bye bye bottles.
They may not be going away entirely just yet, but for parents who have spent the better half of the last few years cleaning bottles for their brood, knowing that day is a little bit closer is a delight. Celebrate that special feeling with this caption and a happy image of your little one enjoying their first solid foods.
6Solid effort.
OK, so maybe they didn’t like their mushy peas. Or they managed to get only a fraction of the baby food jar goop into their mouth. No worries. That first bite is a win in and of itself. They’ll have plenty of other opportunities to eat their first meal.
7Salt Bae-by.
Remember Salt Bae? The internet sensation of a chef sprinkling salt on his dishes like a sorcerer? Resurrect that energy by calling your little one Salt Bae-by. Those who spend a lot of time online will definitely get the joke.
8Foodie in training.
Have big dreams of one day sharing meals with your child at a Michelin-starred restaurant? Put them on the road to true culinary connoisseur early by capturing their first foray into solid foods with this appropriate Instagram caption.
9The culinary epiphany that is stewed peas.
Did you manage to capture your child’s ultimate “ah ha” moment upon biting into their first real solid food? Make that monumental image get the attention it deserve with this apropos Instagram caption.
10Please sir, can I have some more?
Can you already tell that serving your child solid foods is the start of glorious love affair with eating? Wonderful. Then caption your Instagram story with a prophetic phrase that indicates how the future will be filled with second helpings.
11Food, glorious food.
Gotta love the musical Oliver. In it, the protagonist sings about his longing for real food, not the bland mush he’s served at the orphanage. And anyone who’s heard the song can understand that hunger for something truly delicious — a feeling your baby is now fully aware of.
12First baby food, next a table at 11 Madison Park.
Feel like your baby is going to be a snobby eater? They only want to eat the best. You better start saving because someone is going to be asking for the tasting menu at one of New York City’s top dining spots.
13It still counts as “baby’s first solids” if the food is mostly on her face, right?
Does your infant look like they just used their mashed carrots as finger paint all over their face? Then this is the caption for you. First bites are first bites. Let’s not be reductive.
14Hey, can I get a bite?
One of the most fun parts of watching an infant explore new foods is when they discover that what Mom or Dad is eating might be exciting, too, so they sneak in for a bite off your plate. If your child is doing that, this Instagram caption for pictures of your baby eating their first solid is for you.
15This girl is so out to lunch.
Does your baby look buzzed on bananas or high on ham? Then perhaps this “out to lunch” Instagram caption works for pictures of your baby eating their first solid food.
16Having his cake and eating it, too.
So they’re probably eating veggies and fruits instead of cake. Close enough.
17Our idea of fine dining.
Four-star restaurants may be off the table for now while you raise a tiny human, but you can always light a candle and put a tablecloth on for a formal meal next to your little one’s high chair.
18Say cheese!
I mean this Instagram caption is a no-brainer, especially once your baby starts eating cheese.
19Dinner and a show!
Does your child love to play with their food? Then this is a factual Instagram caption for pictures of your baby eating their first solid food.
20Eating solids? Piece of cake.
Again with the cake. But isn’t it so on theme? Even if your child is tearing into a spoonful of oatmeal, this phrase makes a great Instagram caption for pictures of your baby eating their first solid food.
21As this picture clearly indicates, this girl wants someone who will bring home the bacon.
Have you watched a baby try its first bite of bacon? It’s next-level. Express the intense nirvana they’re feeling with this perfect Instagram caption.
22She’s one tough cookie.
If your child is going to town on a chocolate chip cookie, then you’ll want to write something appropriate to go with the image. Consider this Instagram caption for pictures of your baby eating their first dessert.
23Guess I better download Resy.
Did your child take to solids like a fish to water? Time to download the reservation app. A lot of dinners out may be in your future.
24Kid-tested. Mother-approved.
The thrill of watching a baby eat solids for the first time is something a nursing mother can truly appreciate. No more boob juice. Huzzah! Other moms will get it. Trust.
Make the most of your baby’s first bite of solid food with a funny Instagram caption that will help celebrate the mega milestone.
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