
The Best Toys For 3-Month-Olds
Play time is here.
It might seem too early, but believe it or not, 3-month-old babies are ready to be entertained, and to play with toys. Now, we’re not talking about elaborate toys. The best toys for 3-month-olds tend to be things that simple, sensory toys that encourage the early development of gross motor skills — think chewy shapes they can look at and drool on, or soft stuffed animals for them to practice grabbing and holding on to.
“A play mat or activity gym on the floor is a great way to develop your baby’s motor skills,” says Mary Herbert Williamson, OTR/L, a pediatric occupational therapist at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU. “By playing on the floor and working against gravity, especially on their tummies, they can build muscles that will help with head control, rolling, and beyond.”
The best gifts for a 3 month old
As Williamson explains, 3-month-olds are also starting to develop their ability to grasp toys and swipe, so this is a perfect time for grandparents or other loved ones to give Baby a light and easy-to-grasp rattle, or a few fun board books that will encourage the infant’s developing ability to engage with the world. “Cloth or board books with contrasting colors and textured pages are also a great way for your 3-month-old to learn through their senses,” she adds.
With all of these developmental goals in mind, we’ve put together the ulitmate list of the best toys for 3-month-old babies. Each has been chosen specifically to be appropriate for young infants — physically, emotionally, and developmentally. That means babies around 3 months old will be able to manipulate, grip, or interact with the toys on this list. And in turn, you’ll be able to witness in real time your child’s developmental growth as they’re entertained and challenged by each and everyone of these toys.
What to consider before you buy toys for a 3 month old baby
Before you head online to snag some great toys for 3-month-olds, consider how little they actually are. A lot of development is happening in those tiny bodies and they need, in fact, crave, opportunities to explore their new skills. The toys you select should have these milestones in mind to help them learn and grow.
“Avoid toys that have screens, or lots of bright lights and noise,” says Williamson. “These can be over-stimulating to a young baby’s developing senses.”
“Assume everything will go in baby’s mouth,” says Christa Green, MPH and the Injury Prevention Coordinator and Pediatric Trauma Coalition Coordinator for Safe Kids Charleston Area. The biggest worry with any 3-month-old toy is risk of choking, says Green.
“Three-month-olds, at the end of the day, are very vulnerable. They’re still very much infants and new infants at that,” she says. With that in mind, the biggest concerns with infant toys are batteries — especially button batteries which babies are very attracted to due to their shininess, and pieces of toys that can easily break off. Both pose a choking risk.
“When considering what toys to buy, check that it’s age appropriate by reading those recommended age groups,” Green says. But also do it thoughtfully keeping your own baby’s development in mind. “Children don’t develop at the same speed, so you need to consider what toy is most appropriate for them,” Green adds. And if you’re not certain, it’s always OK to ask your pediatrician or care provider.
And finally, familiarize yourself with websites like, a site dedicated to providing toy safety information, and, the government run site for all product recalls. By using these resources, you can determine what toys to keep and what toys to chuck.
“Most important though,” says Green, “is regardless of what toy you give a 3-month-old, never leave them unattended with it.” Play should always be supervised to protect Baby.
1A classic crinkle book
Pros: The sweetest book by a beloved author
Cons: Quite short
Every newborn needs a little Eric Carle in their life, and the same goes for crinkle books. If you’re not familiar with these magical things, crinkle books are a step before board books (which tend to be nothing but drool sponges at this stage) and are one of the very best toys we know of for 3 month old babies. This book has a brilliant corner for teething, and babies just love to grab the book and, well, crinkle it up. Plush, soft and brightly colored, it’s a must-have for any 3 month old.
Review: “I thought this was a bit pricey, but I love Eric Carle so I went for it anyway. My little gal loves to chew on it and just crinkle the day away. It's great for car rides. Somehow, though, she hasn't quite figured out how to use the teething corner to chew on.”
2A simple, colorful wooden sensory toy
Pros: Soft sounds, plenty of visual interest, plus encourages gross motor skill development
Cons: Slightly pricey compared to other rattles
This classic Manhattan Toy squishy rattle is beloved for a reason — babies just seem to adore it. The little wooden balls are perfect for soothing teething gums, and all of the colors engage Baby’s increasing visual curiousity. It makes a lovely, gentle, wooden clinking sound as Baby rattles it — music to most parents’ ears. Soft and pliable, it’s simple and perfect. It doesn’t hurt that it’s easy on grown up eyes and ears, too.
Reviews: “My baby likes shaking it around, chewing on the ends, plucking the elastic, stretching and squishing it. Lately she's been trying to grab it with her toes. And do you know what? She can, because it's that easy to grab and hold on to. One thing I love about this toy is that the wooden beads make a soft, musical rattle that SOUNDS REALLY NICE. Sounds without being annoying = winning.”
3A toy for tactile entertainment
Pros: Colorful and textural
Cons: Size is a bit cumbersome
Packed with squeaking, crinkling, and multi-textured fabrics, this little fish feels like an entire school in one. Large enough for even tiny hands to manipulate, the soft toy features no small parts so it’s safe for 3-month-olds. The variety of textures will surprise babies and encourage them to explore and interact. But once they’ve really fallen in love with the fish and slobbered all over it — as 3 month olds tend to do — parents can throw it in the wash to clean it up.
Review: “Every part of this beautifully made busy toy is something that baby Marta wants to touch or chew on. She puts up a real fight if anyone tries try to take it away from her. A great value.”
4A toy for entertainment on the go
Pros: Easy to install
Cons: Not always as pictured
Toy time doesn’t end when you head out of the house with an infant. They want to be entertained whether you’re strolling through the grocery store or on a walk. And the best way to do that is Toy Space Themed Rocket Soft Baby Travel Spiral. This 3-month-old toy loops around a stroller handle, carseat, or even a crib. And from that vantage point babies can interact with dangling crinkle star on elastic cord, stars with textured fabric with silky tags and a furry planet chime. The space theme is implemented with soft fabrics kids will enjoy playing with.
Review: “It’s the cutest carseat toy perfect for our space galaxy theme for our son. Its a bit more expensive than the others but this was the only space theme and the quality makes it worth it.”
5A toy for visual stimulation
Pros: Sturdy, developmentally perfect for 3 month olds
Cons: Not a toy with much longevity beyond infancy
First of all, these beautiful flash cards are simply lovely to have around the nursery. But they’re also extremely developmentally functional for Baby, as you’ll notice right away when you show them to your infant. Babies really respond to these easy-to-see images, with stark black-and-white animals and geometric patterns on them — it’s really fun to watch them light up, or zone in on these sweet images. No bigger than a small board book, they’re also a great toy to bring with you on an outing, or stash in the car to make longer rides (hopefully) a little less tearful.
Reviews: “Seriously, straight out of the womb babies love these. Sometimes it takes a while for them to show interest, but I promise, at 1-2 months old when they can't do much, they'll spend minutes staring at these. Doesn't sound like long, but that's forever to a newborn! They're great for brain development. It's baby's first toy!”
6A toy they can sink their gums in to
Pros: Made from 100% natural rubber
Cons: A bit expensive for a teether
If you didn’t chew on a Sophie La Girafe, did you even have a babyhood? Sophie is a go-to gift for 3 month olds, and that’s both because it’s a little spendy for a teether, but it’s also just so good. You cannot go wrong with this toy for 3 month olds. For some myseterious reason, all babies love this teether. As a mother with two babies who have loved their Sophie teethers, I suspect it has something to do with those visually stimulating, high-contrast eyes of hers. The various textures feel really good to gums that are working hard to sprout first teeth, and the handles are ideal for encouraging Baby’s gross motor skill development.
Reviews: “This is the second Sophie the Giraffe teether that I have purchased. I first purchased this for our daughter about 2 years ago. It was her favorite teether, and I liked that it was made from natural rubber. Fast forward to baby number three and I couldn't find this teether in any of our baby stuff. So, I knew I had to buy it again. Well worth it!”
7A classic Montessori toy
Pros: Very durable
Cons: Hard edges
One of the most fun things for a parent to watch is a baby discovering its own power. This toy provides that. This Montessori-inspired Wooden Rolling Drum toy makes noise when a baby pushes it thanks to a series of colorful beech wood balls tucked within its bars. Easy to grasp and manipulate, it’s one of the best toys for 3-month-olds as it encourages babies to build dexterity while promoting muscle movement and fine motor skills. Plus it’s colorful and made of natural materials making is safe for infants. It’s a go-to gift for 3 month olds, too, because it’s such a classic — whatever Mom and Dad’s parenting or aesthetic style is, this toy will find a place in their toy box.
Review: “I was surprised at how nice this toy is. It’s smooth and sturdy! The babe loves it when he is doing tummy time trying to crawl. Don’t hesitate on this one!”
8A high-contrast toy for wearing and rattling
Pros: Easy to use
Cons: Rattle is very quiet
This toy is such a hoot, you’ll want to put your child in it all the time. It’s Baby Wrist Rattles and Foot Rattles. That means socks and — think of them as little sweatbands — for your baby’s wrists, rattles! They can shimmy shake and move all around while making their own music. While they’re at it, they’ll be stimulating their senses and building brain development. To make them even better, each features a fun little character they can look at and enjoy at the same time.
Review: “Love these hand & feet baby rattles, the quality is fantastic, they are super cute & vibrant in color. Compared to the others I've seen these are by far the best option!”
9A tummy time toy for visual development
Pros: Eye level tummy time toy
Cons: You have to flip the pages for baby
Tummy time offers so many benefits to babies. It helps them build muscle strength, roll over, and ultimately leads to sitting up and even crawling. But not all babies love the experience. Distract them or make it more fun with this Tummy Time Floor Mirror with Crinkle Cloth Book and Teethers toy. The triangle-shaped toy sits at baby’s eye level on the floor and offers a variety of flaps with rich colors and shapes to look at, teethers to munch on, and a mirror for baby to get a good look at themselves. When it’s time to ride in the car, attach it to one of the front seats and allow baby to keep playing during the drive.
Review: “Baby girl loves this toy. Great mirror. Love how it opens up to play with different pictures.”
10A toy that’s developmentally perfect
Pros: Lightweight
Cons: Sloppy stitching
Exposing infants to patterns and shapes is a great way to help develop their brains. To make this concept age appropriate, we consider this toy — from Manhattan Toy Company, of course — one of the best toys for 3-month-olds: Mind Cubes Soft Baby Activity Toy. This set of four distinctively different six-sided cube shapes give babies a soft, crinkly shape to play with as they discover patterns in black and white and color. At 3"L x 3"W x 3"H, these blocks were made for little hands, but are durable enough to take a baby’s mouth as they’re squishy design makes them chewable as well.
Review: “My baby son adores his crinkle. Clearly a rather substantial disparity between manufacturing cost and retail price, but for the amount of joy it’s bringing him I have no complaints at all. Charming design and very, very crinkly!”
11A toy for piano fun
Pros: Large variety of sounds, music, and lights.
Cons: No real keys, just a long piece of fabric. A little noisy.
Giving a child agency, even when they’re still a baby, can be done through play. And this Discover & Play Piano toy does just that. A teeny piano, the large buttons let babies make sounds while introducing them to instruments, numbers and animals. Made of soft cloth piano keys, this best toy for 3-month-olds operates on 3 AA batteries. It also can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth, though not immersed in water. Even little ones can appreciate this baby piano. “She likes the animal sounds and recorded tunes,” writes one Amazon reviewer of her 3 month old granddaughter.
Review: “This keyboard plays very well for self-entertainment, but not to compose or play individual notes, just to engage with melody notes from a piece of classical music (rather than adult-annoying kid songs).”
12A toy for teething
Pros: Features 4 textures
Cons: Can melt if steamed
Teethers are a toy when we’re talking about 3-month-olds. With the early buds starting to peek out in some tiny babies, a teether is a great gift. But why give a boring one when there are toys like the Creative Molar Toy? This is like a galaxy of teethers in one. Made of 4 different textured surfaces to massage gums, the varying loops make it easy for a small hand to hold onto. In addition, it doubles as a rattle and features loose parts to move around as well. Super hygienic, you can give it a good bacteria reducing scrub as necessary.
Review: “This thing is awesome and my baby loves it. We washed and sanitized it right away and it came out perfect. She immediately took to it, grabbing it & bringing it to her mouth.”
13A toy for sensory play
Pros: Easy to clean surfaces
Cons: Simple for baby to manipulate
If your baby is in need of a little more action when it comes to toys, this Tinabless Roly Poly Baby Toy might be the answer. As a combination rattle-teether-rolling toy, it contains multiple elements of some of the best toys for 3-month-olds. A light push will send this little giraffe cruising across the floor. But there are also buttons beads baby can play with as well to light up all of their senses. Easy to clean with a damp cloth or soap, it’s a fun item to spark your 3 month old’s development.
Review: “It’s a simple well constructed toy my little one enjoyed. Has several features for littler hands to explore. Would recommend!”
14A story they can really chew on
Pros: Truly indestructible
Cons: Very few words, not particularly exciting as baby grows into a toddler
If you got an Indestructible book as a gift, we’re betting it came from a fellow parent. These things are gold for babies who are just beginning to grab and chew on everything in sight. Much like a crinkle book, these books — by design — will not be destroyed by your baby’s endless chewing and drooling. The pictures are adorable, too, and they fit easily into any diaper bag or glove compartment for any time that you may need emergency entertainment for your increasingly curious 3 month old. They’re rip-proof, waterproof and can be washed in the dishwasher — what’s not to love?
Review: “Love these things. I got two of them when my first child was born. She chewed, crumbled, and tore at these books. They eventually begin to look kinda crinkly and gross, but if your baby is a chewer- these are the books for you. Can't wait to give my youngest one of these for Christmas this year!”
15A sensory toy for early teething
Pros: Gentle glow, easy on the eyes
Cons: Some rough edges
Here’s another of many 3-month-old toys that features a light-up element. In this case, the Rain-Glow Squeeze – Light-Up Cloud Rattle lights up when a baby shakes its little cloud and shines with a variety of colors. The handle features six colorful beads they can play with as well. One AAA battery is required, but it locks in safely in the back so baby can’t access any small parts. A win parents love.
Review: “I am so in love with this glow cloud, it is so stinking cute!! The cloud is made of soft silicone and is the perfect size for little hands. My 3-1/2-month-old loves staring at the changing colors and playing with the rainbow beads on the handle.”
16A toy for fine motor skills
Pros: Great variety of songs and sounds
Cons: Loud even on lower volume
Want to encourage a child’s eye hand coordination while promoting fine motor skills? The Critter Shake Wobble Ball does both. With six bead tracks and colorful buttons little ones can explore colors, movement, and sound all at once. By pressing the buttons around the ball, the VTech says the color of the button. When they shake the ball, 45 different songs and sounds come out. A curved design allows the ball to rock gently without flipping over and its ropes make it easy for babies to grip. If the sound bothers you — and most parents probably prefer silent toys — just don’t use the batteries. Your 3 month old won’t know the difference and the toy offers plenty of stimulous with or without sound.
Review: “Best toy purchase I've made as this is my baby's favorite toy. Price is right.”
17A toy for bath time
Pros: Soft and squishy
Cons: Some complaints of a chemical smell
Even if a baby is still soaking in a sling or even in the sink, you can introduce bath toys at 3 months old to keep baby entertained during tub time. These MoldFree Bath Toys for Babies are a pack of five child-size animals including a frog, lion, unicorn, penguin, and tiger. BPA-free, the animals are made of bright colors. There’s no opening in them for mold to grow, either. The tallest animal, the lion, is five inches, so they’re all just the right size for babies to grip. Yay for mastering those important gross motor skills.
Review: “I was very excited to find these bathtub toys that don't have an opening for mold growth and these are just the thing!”
18A soft toy for rattling
Pros: Two for one
Cons: Big for babies to grasp
Rattles have been a favorite baby toy for generations. Early childhood development experts have determined that the rattle can be an , like this two-pack of stuffed animal rattles. The perfect toy for 3-month-olds, these soft shakers come with an easy grip for babies though they are on the large side. Topped with a squishy stuffed animal face, like an elephant or lion, when shook the rattles make a rattle sound. On the bottom is a loop which makes it even easier for the baby to pick up or a parent to hook on a diaper bag. As one Amazon reviewer says, “most importantly a baby won’t hurt themselves with these soft rattles.”
Review: “I am a huge fan of these rattles. They have a really cute design and are full of vibrant colors. It has colorful balls that will the bottom of the rattle.”
19A toy for soothing
Pros: Plays up to five minutes of music
Cons: Music is repetitive
When you’re dealing with a new baby, a lot of time is spent soothing them. Rocking, feeding, and cooing are all great options to achieve this, but sometimes you might want to pull in some back up. This Fisher-Price Soothe & Glow Seahorse makes a lovely gift for 3 month old babies. A gentle glow emits from the seahorse belly while soothing sounds and music engage your baby’s tactile, auditory, and visual senses. Though two AA batteries are required, they’re included when you purchase this toy — a win for any gift giver.
Review: “Bought this for an infant to help with background noise when trying to sneak out of the room after putting them in bed and be a comfort toy. Baby used it every single night since then, and “baby” is now a first grader!”
20A teething toy that’s perfect for developing gross motor skills
Pros: Dishwasher safe
Cons: Red color is more of a brown
It might seem overindulgent to give a baby multiple teething toys, but take it from a mom, you’ll need them and your child will use them all. Jellydog Rocking Silicone Baby Teether is a great option as its form makes it especially easy for a baby to grip onto. The design also miniaturized a rocky chair that will tilt back and forth on a flat surface. The premium silicone makes it safe for babies’ mouths and easy to clean. Available in four colors, you can buy a few and rotate them in and out as needed.
Review: “I was looking for a good looking and functional teether for my son so long time. When I received this product I knew I got this! Excellent shape design and reliable materials. My son cannot put it down. I don't have to worry about him eating his fingers anymore.”
21A toy for bath play
Pros: Colors change once lit up
Cons: You can’t replace the batteries when they die
Another idea for bath time toys for 3-month-olds are these Light Up Bath Toys. The PVC material, non-toxic, odor-less set comes with seven characters, each of which light up and change colors. They float so you won't have to fish around the tub for them. The brand also makes a variety of character options from mermaids to swans, so you can choose what your child likes best. These can also be used in the pool as well.
Review: “These are amazing! Very good quality and work in and out of the tub. To light them up just press them in the palm of ur had and they flash different colors keeping my little occupied.”
22A toy for musical snuggles
Pros: Easy-to-push buttons
Cons: Difficult to open battery compartment
However Mom and Dad may feel about toys that make noise, babies love music. Research suggests they even enjoy it in utero. So it’s a natural transition to share music with them in their early months of life. This Aitbay Plush Elephant Music Baby Toy features 12 classic lullabies, nature sounds, and silly noises children can listen to while snuggling the 7-inch toy that’s easy for 3-month-olds to grasp. Three-easy to-punch buttons sit on the elephant’s belly made out of ABS materials, which are non-toxic and durable. A battery compartment is hidden on the back so you can swap in fresh batteries when necessary. That also means a baby can’t get into the battery compartment, so there’s no choking risk.
Review: “I loved how this toy played 12 nursery songs, some nature sounds, some funny sounds, made baby cooing and laughing sounds when you moved the elephant back and forth, and lit up.”
23A classic developmental toy for rolling and chewing
Pros: Easy to grip
Cons: Hard plastic tough on gums
Baby Einstein brand is known for making great baby toys and this activity ball is no different. A toy made for ages 3 months old and up, it features a squeezable BPA-free construction with a little Baby Einstein ball inside. On the outside it’s decorated with a friendly-looking caterpillar. Made of primary colors, it engages all the senses from sound, touch, texture, sight, and possibly even smell.
Review: “Wow - The only toy that my 3-month-old fell in love with instantly and has not tired of after a month of continuous playing. She can hold it easily and is stimulated by the colors and ball the rolls around inside.”
24A toy for early stacking
Pros: Easily washable
Cons: Limited to 10 per pack
Building blocks are practically a baby gift requirement. At some point nearly every infant gets them, and for good reason. They’re a great learning tool that can help babies develop an understanding of spacial awareness, balance, shape, and texture too. But wooden blocks are a no-go for little ones. That’s why these Soft Chew Educational Building Blocks are ideal. Made from soft plastic and in a variety of pastel colors, each of the blocks features a shape, letter, number, or set of objects, like carrots, for babies to explore.
Review: “I bought these on a flash sale on Cyber Monday. I really like the colors- more subtle shades and not in-your-face primary colors. Besides some of the animals looking a little weird (see photos), I really like them. They seem well-made and durable.”
25A toy for tunes
Pros: Plays for a long time, low volume
Cons: Even at a low volume, some parents may not want noisy toys
If you’re sensing a musical theme here, it’s for good reason. Babies love music. And any toy that can thoughtfully bring music to them is a great gift idea. That’s why Teddy Tunes Music Station is an ideal toy for 3-month-olds. This darling music maker is just the right size for little hands with a sweet handle they can grip. The little bear plays five songs including “Baa baa black sheep,” “Mary had a Little Lamb,” “Old McDonald,” “This Little Piggy” and “Farmer in the Dell.” Meanwhile the light up rattle makes seven different sounds. Parents or babies can easily adjust the volume.
Review: “Omg it's sooo cute!! This pretty, little musical toy is working beautifully.My little one absolutely loves this! She loves it anytime of the day to play with it, to soothe herself, and for the bedtime.”
26A toy for active tummy time
Pros: Easy to inflate
Cons: Can get cloudy from moisture
Babies like challenges, that’s what the whole growing up business is all about. And this toy for 3-month-olds poses a challenge. It’s a blow up Jumbo Roller Rattle toy. While a 3 month old will have limited manipulation ability with this toy, it’s a great investment they can grow with as they discover that a kick to the roller will result in rattle noises. See through with fun designs and colors, this roller also stimulates visual development as well. Babies can learn to push this around a play mat or just enjoy drooling on it.
Review: “This is awesome! I bought it for the daycare I work for and the babies/toddlers all love it!”
27A toy that makes tummy time a little more fun
Pros: Easy to assemble
Cons: Strong plastic smell
Looking for more tummy time alternative. One of the best toys for 3-month-olds is this water-filled Baby Tummy Time Water Play Mat. The 40''X 40'' PVC fabric mat contains bright, colorful patterns floating and unique ocean theme that will entertain babies for hours. It’s easy to use as well. Parents need only fill the exterior ring with water and the exterior ring with air, then put it on the floor for play time. Easy to pack up, it will fold to the size of an iPad for storage. The material is thick to prevent leaks and punctures too.
Review: “I love this! She loves this! Works her little muscles. Helping strengthen to sit and crawl. She loves playing with the little floating animals inside.”
28A toy for silly amusement
Pros: Grows with the child
Cons: Delicate, not durable
There seems to be a cactus trend in baby toys right now and we’re here for it. Especially when it’s as silly as this Dancing Cactus toy for 3-month-olds. Here’s how it works: Baby says something and the cactus repeats it. So if a 3-month-old squeaks, it will squeak back. Turn it to its second mode and it will dance and sing, an activity a baby would love to watch. It might even illicit some of those coveted early giggles, something the whole family will appreciate.
Review: “My kid loves this dancing cactus. He will dance with it. When he is upset, I will take out this toy that can repeat his sound. He will laugh and stop crying. it’s a good way to comfort him and makes him happy.”
29A toy for sports enthusiasts
Pros: Safe for all ages
Cons: Very small
If you want to raise an athlete, there’s no reason to wait until they can kick and run. This My First Sports Bag Stuffed Plush Playset for 3-months-old will set them on the road to athletic success with four plush sports balls, a soccer ball, basketball, football, and baseball. Super huggable, baby can roll or eventually throw these without worry of anything or anyone getting hurt. Add it’s easy cleanup as the balls come with a matching duffel bag that says My First Sports Bag. Made by Gund, one of the most beloved teddy bear brands, you’re guaranteed the softest, coziest fabric possible.
Review: “This is an awesome combination of toys for around 3+ months when babies start to grab things. The bag is well made and the plush balls didn't have any issues like strings being lose or material not properly sewn on.”
30A toy for travel tummy time
Pros: Foldable for travel
Cons: Not a full-size tummy time mat
Tummy time play mats are great, but many are cumbersome and not convenient to travel with. That’s not a problem with this Travel Elephant Playmat. The smaller elephant shaped flat toy is designed to fold up into itself so you can throw it into a diaper bag and roll. Babies can snuggle this or play with its many accessories including crinkle ears, satiny ribbon “hair,” and peekaboo flowers. At 4.49 x 10 x 7.24 inches, this elephant is a great sized toy for 3 month olds to manipulate and enjoy, and it’s a great gift for families who are often on the go.
Review: “Love how this folds up and has multiple toys in one. Easier to store and is much quieter when folded up! Highly recommend.”
31A toy for spatial reasoning
Pros: Soft and safe
Cons: Foam post can be difficult to use
Stacking toys have been around for a long, long time. The iLearn Baby Plush Stacking Toys Set is a very 3 month old-friendly stacking toy because it’s soft and plush — no accidentally head bonks, here. This stack of six circles is made of soft cotton crafted in bright colors. There’s a beeping duck, a windmill rattle, a sunflower rattle, a teether ring, and a crinkle ring. And on top is a little house, all perfect for early spatial reasoning development. A soft tube allows them to stack the rings in place or just play with them individually.
Review: “Bigger and soft than I thought ! Nice and cute, very well made. Safe for baby and educational.”
32A toy for baby’s first phone calls
Pros: Soft lights and sweet sounds
Cons: Batteries not included
The Musical Turtle Crawling Baby Toy is so much more than that name. This toy moves, lights up, plays music, and features all kinds of fun buttons. Not to mention the fact that it comes with a phone that babies can answer. Now some of those items might require a developmental step beyond the 3 month mark, but the months fly by fast and it’s nice to have a few toys to grow with.
Review: “Like it for my grandson, he loves to play with it and watch it crawl.”
33A toy for car entertainment
Pros: Built for rear-facing carseats
Cons: Cheap-looking material
Let’s be honest, car rides can be boring, for adults and babies. Make the trip more fun with this Taf Toys Play & Kick Car Activity Toy. Designed specifically for rear-facing babies, the mat attaches to the headrest of the seat and features a baby-safe mirror, rattling Harry the lion, and a mane teether attached to a soft teething ring, and Tuki the toucan character. Easy for tiny arms to reach, adjustable straps can be shifted to make it easier to access, and babies can interact and play as you get from point A to point B. A little kick pad lets babies trigger music as well.
Review: “This is a cute toy for car play. Baby loves the little animals and mirror. It's difficult to kick the base to make the music play and may not be comfortable when kicked since it's a hard box under material. This should have been designed a little differently.”
34A toy for advanced tummy time
Pros: Detachable pieces can be enjoyed on their own
Cons: Too large for some babies to manipulate
This Tummy Time Pillow Toy adds some elevation to Baby’s first developmental activity (i.e. tummy time) but comes with a series of detachable attachments to keep their attention including a mini tambourine, a stuffed animal zebra, and a set of three multi-color car-shaped plates. Easy to roll around, a baby can enjoy it lying on their back, stomach, or even when they eventually learn to sit up. The soft plush exterior makes it a safe toy to enjoy while the non-toxic attachments are fine for a baby to chew on.
Review: “It’s very interesting to my baby! There are few different materials so she loves to play with each one, touch it and feel the difference.”
35A very busy baby gym
Pros: Attention grabbing colors
Cons: Hanging toys a bit high for babies
Here’s why a Kick And Play Piano Gym is one of the best toys for 3-month-olds: When a child is only 3 months old, the place where they can enjoy the most activity is on the floor, either on their back or tummy. So basically, the action needs to come to them. That’s precisely what this toy does. Built around a soft fabric play mat, place your child under the activity arch, adorned with hanging objects like a mirror and monkey shapes. From there they can use their feet to kick the piano at the bottom and make their own music.
Review: “I bought this as a gift for my goddaughter and she absolutely loves it. The mat can be thicker however, but overall it is a great toy.”
36A toy that’s super cool
Pros: You can chill the keys to help a teething baby truly chill out
Cons: They’re still going to want the real keys
Ahh yes, babies and keys. They just love them, don’t they? But instead of letting your 3 month old chew on your actual keys (because, ew) hand them this colorful BPA-free teether instead. If your baby is having a really tough time with teething, pop this key ring in the fridge for an hour and then let them go to town on this cool, classic baby toy.
Reviews: “My oldest daughter found a lot of relief in these teethers. It’s nice that they resemble something that babies see their parents using, so something they naturally want! They are also easy for babies to hold onto.”
With this comprehensive list of the best toys for 3-month-olds, you’re sure to find educational, playful options for the young infant in your life.
Mary Herbert Williamson, OTR/L, pediatric occupational therapist at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU
Christa Green, Injury Prevention Coordinator, Pediatric Trauma Coalition Coordinator, Safe Kids Charleston Area, MUSC Children’s Health,
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