Pre-K Graduation

Share Your Pre-K Graduation Pics With These Emotional Instagram Captions
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You think high school graduation is going to be tough; try sitting through pre-K graduation without shedding a tear. Suddenly your baby is advancing to elementary school! Surely that deserves a picture to go with a great pre-K graduation Instagram caption or quote.
But what to write? If pre-K has been a wonderland for your child, it might be fun to highlight all they’ve learned and the fun they’ve shared with their teachers and classmates, from milestones such as learning to write their name to making their first real friend. Or, if you’re having trouble accepting this next step in their early childhood education, you could write a caption that speaks to the overwhelming emotions of watching your baby grow up.
The main idea is to capture the moment and celebrate it. It’s not every day a little person ons a tiny cap and gown and receives a pre-K diploma and probably a present (you’re gonna want to scrapbook that, for sure). And when you look back, you want to remember the memory fondly, not with a cringe-worthy caption that maybe focuses on the here and now and not the long-term ramifications of this major step in your child’s life.
Keeping all of that in mind, here are some great pre-K graduation Instagram captions to use for your child on their big day.
1Oh the places you’ll go.
Why not steal Dr. Suess’ famous book title? It couldn’t be more appropriate for graduation day, be it for a pre-K kiddo or a high schooler.
2It takes a big heart to shape a little mind. So thankful for our preschool teachers today.
If anyone deserves a big old pat on the back, it’s the caretakers and teachers who helped your child navigate preschool. Honor them with this pre-K graduation Instagram caption.
3Kindergarten, here I come!
If your fearless child is more than ready to head into kindergarten, here’s a great pre-K graduation Instagram caption to use.
4Growing up has just begun. Happy preschool graduation.
While pre-K graduation may feel monumental as a parent, for a child, it’s just the beginning. Send them on their way with this heartfelt statement.
5If you need me, I’ll be over here sobbing for the foreseeable future.
It’s ok if you’re feeling a little, well, emotional on pre-K graduation day. It’s a lot for a parent to absorb. And you know what? Plenty of other parents can relate. So make your pre-K graduation Instagram caption honest with this meaningful post.
6They grow up so fast!
It’s true. Kids, somehow, grow up so fast. As Ferris Beuller famously said, “If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” And that definitely pertains to pre-K graduation.
7A cap and gown never looked so cute.
Let’s be honest, the cap and gown isn’t exactly fabulous fashion. But on a 4 or 5-year-old? Well, that’s a different story. It never looked better.
8Onto the next adventure.
Adventure awaits your little bug. Just imagine all they’ll get to explore in their new kindergarten class. Pump them up for the next step with this caption.
9Away he grows.
A little play on words is what Instagram was made for. Have fun with your social media post with this silly statement.
10Wherever you go, go with all of your heart.
If there’s anything a parent hopes for their child, it’s that they will live their life to the fullest. Here’s one way to say that with an pre-K graduation Instagram caption.
11First a pre-K diploma, next up, a PhD.
Already forecasting your child’s educational success? Hey, dream big. And while you’re doing it, consider using this as one of your pre-K graduation Instagram captions.
12Remember little one, you can do hard things.
There are so many challenges for pre-K kids. They’re constantly hitting developmental milestones and learning so much. Proof that they can do so much more.
13Always keep learning.
Send your child off to their next step with some encouragement via this simple sentence.
For dads looking to share their excitement, this is a nice little rhyming hashtag that works perfectly for pre-K graduation Instagram captions.
15Next thing you know, she’ll be asking to borrow the keys to the car!
If your child’s future just flashed before your eyes as they accepted their pre-K diploma, then perhaps this caption fits the bill.
16“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting! So… Get on your way!” — Dr. Seuss
You can’t go wrong with this Dr. Seuss quote. Kids love hearing it and your social fans will love seeing it.
17Love my little grad!
Share your love with a pre-K graduation Instagram caption. Paired with a darling photo of your little grad, people won’t be able to get enough of it.
Ready to bid preschool adieu? Say so with these great pre-K graduation Instagram captions.