
Here's How To Throw A Super Cute Virtual Baby Shower
Baby love.
So you’re expecting a baby, or perhaps your bestie is. Typically there’d be a big baby shower in the works. But nothing about the past 11 months has been typical, not since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Still, there are ways to celebrate a mama-to-be even if it requires a little digital intervention. In fact, it can be a heck of good time with these 21 virtual baby shower ideas.
Sure, this will be a no-hugs event, which is in and of itself the ultimate party pooper, but on the flipside the virtual baby shower comes with beaucoup benefits like, for instance, no cleanup. Hello?! What could be better than that? Also, limited booze and catering bills. Since this is essentially a BYOB situation, you’ll save yourself big bucks hosting online with the exception of a few surprises you might mail guests in advance to enjoy during the fun. And the best reason to host a virtual baby shower? It’s still a great excuse to carve out some time with friends who you might otherwise not see for months. Follow these tips and it’ll be a good time for all.
Nail the Virtual Invite
Set the tone of the entire virtual experience by opting out of physical invites for evites instead. These digital epistles can give your guests an idea of how the whole event will go, from login credentials to games to gifting ideas. Easy peasy. Some of our faves include:
- Evite - easy to use and with loads of fun designs, Evite is a favorite for really any event. One of the best parts, however, is you can choose whether guests can see who else has RSVP’d or not, something that could help your numbers as guests note who will be joining the festivities
- Paperless Post - has made setting up a virtual event that much easier by now including a spot for a zoom link in the evite. Rather than link a long URL, this makes things look a little bit classier
- Punchbowl is another great evite service. We like this one because not only can you tailor your message, but you can also edit the little virtual card the invitation pops out of including the envelope liner and faux stamp
Play Games
Lord have mercy, throw your guests a bone and consider some fun games for everyone to play together online. Games lighten the mood and give everyone an activity to enjoy together. Here are a couple options:
Baby Word Scramble
In this game, you send each guest a PDF of scrambled words that are must-have baby items. Then they can print them out at home to be ready to play at the party. You can either time everyone or give a prize to the first person to unscramble them all. And better yet, has printable word search cards here.
How Well Do You Know Mommy?
This is a fun one for close chums. Ask your guests to answer questions about the mama to be and how she’ll parent. Things like “cloth diapers or fabric?” Then the person who gets the most answers right wins.
Never Have I Ever PG Version
So take the old drinking game Never Have I Ever and adapt it for motherhood with everyone giving answers like “Never have I ever had my baby pee on me” or “Never have I ever changed a diaper in a parking lot.” Whoever comes up with the most outlandish topic wins.
The Price is Right
For this game, show your guests a handful of baby items and have them guess the cost. Then show them to the camera to see who wins. You can even doll out virtual prizes with little gift cards like $5 to Starbucks.
Don’t Say Baby
As the name suggests, at the beginning of the party you tell all the guests that they can’t say baby during the virtual shower. Whoever makes it through the party without dropping “baby” wins.
Spin the Perfect Playlist
Just because you’re on Zoom doesn’t mean your party can’t have a great soundtrack. Either in the background or on a shared Spotify list, dial up some on-theme songs like the following:
- The Supremes “Baby Love”
- Michael Buble “Haven’t Met You Yet”
- She & Him “Baby”
- Diana Ross “I’m Coming Out”
- Israel Kamakawiwo’ole “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”
- Brandi Carlile “Evangeline”
- Stevie Wonder “Isn’t She Lovely”
- Will Smith “Just the Two of Us”
Or, any number of songs with the word “baby” in them.
Figure out Food
Food is probably the most tricky part of a virtual baby shower. Thematically, it’s easy to find all kinds of fun ways to cater an in-person shower, but when everyone is stationed in their own living rooms? Not so much.
You could go crazy and have small pizzas delivered to all of your guests’ homes. For those of us who LOVE to surprise people, this would be a next level move. But that’s a costly choice. Barring that, you could ask everyone to order pizza so you’re all enjoying the same thing.
Or, you could send each guest a menu to follow which could include:
- Baby corn and mini carrots for dipping with ranch dressing
- Baby back ribs — I mean why not?
- Little Smokies
- Newborn deviled eggs (get a load of these) if your friends are culinary whizzes
- Baby Ruths for dessert, natch.
Pre-send Party Favors to Amp up the Fun
As many learned via virtual office parties this holiday season, you can make a virtual party way more fun by sending a goody box in the mail in advance. Pack boxes with favors like:
- Mini bottle of champagne
- Silly baby shower themed decorations
- Pre-printed sheets for the aforementioned games
- Gender reveal bracelets
- Rattle shaped cake pops
- Baby feet shaped cookies
- Personal candles
- A onesie to decorate along with puff paints and a pre-addressed mailer for each guest to send their creation to the expecting mother.
To make this concept really fun, instruct participants not to open their favor box until the time of the party so everyone enjoys the surprise together.
The final thing every virtual shower host needs is a super good attitude. Remember, the mom your showering is missing out on enjoying this special event in person and that’s something she’ll never get back, so give her the virtual time of her life before her little ball of joy arrives.
This article was originally published on