Baby Names

22 Unique Baby Girl Names That Start With “U”
Your baby will be unique and unbelievable — why not give her a name to match?
If you’re hoping to find a truly rare name for your baby girl, considering names that start with “U” is a great starting point. While all the other vowels have common names: Allison, Emily, Iris, Olivia — choosing a “U” name for a baby girl is a bit unexpected.
While you might think that a “Z” girl’s name would be more unusual, there are some really hot “Z” names right now —I know several Zoes, two Zoras, and a Zelda, all under the age of 5. “Q” is also a letter that makes you groan in Scrabble, but Q names are also pretty trendy: think Quinn or Quentin. “Z” and “Q” are rare letters in the English language, but when it comes to names, “U” is actually the most unusual letter for a name to begin with. In fact, on the Social Security Administration’s list of top thousand names, exactly zero names of the girl names on the list start with “U”. The name Unique has been in the top thousand in previous years, but not since 2009. No girl names that start with “U” even show up on many lists of unique names. Your little girl is sure to be one-of-a-kind, and giving her one of these beautiful, meaningful “U” names will ensure that her name is as perfect as she is.
More commonly spelled with an “E” at the start, this pretty “U” baby name is of Greek origin and means “good victory”. Unice would pair really nicely with a more common middle name: Unice Emily or Unice Amelia both have a lovely ring.
A feminine variant of Ulysses — Homer’s mythical traveler who spent a decade at sea before finally finding his way home after the Trojan War — Ulyssa means “wrathful”, so don’t be fooled by its pretty sound. You just might be in for some serious tantrums if you go with this unusual “U” name.
The Latin word for “bear”, this name would be a cool choice for a family who wants a name inspired by the stars. Ursa Major, the big bear, is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky, so a baby with this “U” name will always see themselves in the sky.
I went to high school with an Ursula who was born just four years before The Little Mermaid came out. She would immediately say “like the sea witch” whenever anyone asked her name. For this generation, thankfully, that association is a pretty distant memory. Perhaps this particular “U” name will prove to have more longevity as a name associated with the famous sci-fi writer and essayist, Ursula K. Le Guin. Ursula, like Ursa, means “bear”.
Simple and stunning, this beautiful Celtic name means “gem of the sea”. It can be spelled with one “L” or two: Ula or Ulla. Although it’s a bit out-of-the-box, it has the same pretty feel as the extremely popular name Ella. But, while Ella was the sixteenth most popular name in 2021, Ula is still a really rare baby name in both the United States and Ireland.
Uma is one of the many names of the Hindu goddess Parvati, the supreme goddess of power, nourishment, harmony, love, marriage, beauty, devotion, and motherhood. Quite the list for a newborn to live up to — but if anyone can, it’s your baby. And of course, Uma Thurman is a powerful celebrity association to have, too. That said, your little girl should probably be well into her teenage years before checking out Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction.
Una as a baby girl name is still quite rare, though it is slowly increasing in popularity. Popular in both Finland and Ireland, it may be related to the Irish word “uan” which means “lamb”. It can be spelled with a “U”, though some people spell it with an “O” as Oona or even Oonagh — the name of the queen of the fairies in Irish mythology. However you spell it, it’s an undeniably cute “U” name for a baby girl.
Meaning “loved from the heart”, this Sanskrit name couldn’t be more perfect for a baby girl. It has the elegant simplicity of the very popular name Ava but is still very uncommon in America. It could be a great choice if you’re looking for a name that’s short and a bit surprising.
Japanese in origin, “Urara” means “beautiful” and would be a lovely choice, particularly if you’d like to celebrate your family’s Japanese heritage.
With a sweet humming quality, Umri means “my life” or “my beloved” in Arabic. If you or your family speak Arabic, this name could be a particularly beautiful tribute to your new baby daughter.
Pronounced “ool-ree-keh”, Ulrike means “mistress of all” — a very fair descriptor for most any newborn baby. Germanic in origin, this extremely unique “U” name will all but guarantee that your daughter will never need to use her last initial to differentiate herself in school.
Meaning “power of the wolf” this German name is strong and assertive — just like many of us hope our baby girls will grow to be. This name may be rare in the U.S. these days, but it appears in both a Verdi opera and a Jorge Luis Borges story, so your little girl will certainly see herself in the arts with this “U” name.
Perhaps the most famous of the “U” names, and likely the most familiar. “One of a kind” or “unlike anything else” is probably how you think of your baby girl already — even before you’ve held her in your arms — and what better way to sum up that feeling then to simply call her Unique? While its popularity has waned in recent years, it could be due for a comeback.
This cute name from the Hawaiian language means “cheerful”. It lends itself to the adorable nickname “Lani” if you want a slightly shorter version that retains the same sound.
This powerful, striking name means “last” — so it might be the perfect choice for a little girl who is your last child, even if she’s also your first. You may know this name from Rudolfo Anaya’s novel Bless Me, Ultima, a commonly assigned book for high school readers.
Capturing so much of what a newborn baby is, this soft, unusual “U” name means “youthful” or “downy” in Russian. Similar to the more common Juliana, it has the same slightly regal, elegant, flowing sound.
Pronounced “oo-te”, Ute is a popular German name that just hasn’t quite made the leap across the pond — yet. Meaning “heritage”, “rich” or “prosperous”, Ute is a cute and unusual name for a baby girl.
Uriella is a Hebrew name meaning “God’s light”. It has both the super-cute nicknames “Uri” and “Ella” built right in, so giving your baby girl this “U” name also gives you lots of great nicknames to play around with.
Adorable and easy to pronounce, Unnie is the Korean word for “older sister” and could be nice choice for any baby girl, regardless of birth order. Or, if you drop the “e” and spell this name Unni, it’s an Old Norse name meaning “to love.”
Currently very uncommon outside of Norway, Udna is “U” name that could be a lovely way to honor Norwegian heritage. Or, regardless of heritage, it’s a great pick if you simply want to ensure that your baby has a truly unusual name.
A slight variant on the Germanic “Ubel” — typically a boy’s name — this feminized spelling would make a beautiful choice for a baby girl.
Meaning “fortunate” and “prosperous in battle”, this “U” name is Hebrew in origin. As Udelia grows, she could always choose to go by Del or Lia if she felt like shortening her name.
If you want to make sure that your child doesn’t have to use their last initial to distinguish herself from the others in her class, you can’t have much more of a guarantee than choosing a baby girl name that starts with “U.” And when she has to write an acrostic with her name, there’s so many great “u” adjectives — she’s sure to be unbelievable, unmatched, and unique.
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