
75 Special Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy
Though not necessary, some glitter, crafting, and witty word play can make your announcement that much more memorable.
When you finally get a positive pregnancy test, it’s not just enough to call friends and family with the good news. No, you might want to have an all-out celebration to tell the world that you’re expecting — because it totally is one. And these 75 pregnancy announcement ideas can fit almost any occasion, no matter what the season is, if you’re expecting a second (or fourth) baby, or even if you want to give preferential status to your pup in your proclamation.
It’s really hard to resist the temptation to go all out when it comes to pregnancy announcements. After all, we’re living in the age of Pinterest, where there are a bazillion ways to show that you have a bun in the oven (which, obvs, is an easy way to let people know that you do, indeed, have a bun in the oven). And while you could always just post a short and sweet announcement (think “I’m pregnant”) and call it a day, well, where’s the fun (or crafting component) in that?
When To Announce Your Pregnancy
Ultimately, when you announce your pregnancy is entirely up to you. Some people like to wait until after the first trimester (when the risk of miscarriage goes down significantly). And in other cases, some mommas-to-be wait until they’re well into their second trimester to share the special news, especially if they’re not showing and want to wait for their own reasons. And then, there are people who have barely finished peeing on the stick to tell everyone that they’re expecting. So really, there’s no hard and fast rule on when to announce your pregnancy; it really comes down to your personal comfort level.
Pregnancy Announcement Don'ts
While there are literally thousands of ways in which you can announce your pregnancy, there are some definite don’ts you want to avoid as well. For starters: cannons. While they’re often used in gender reveals, they can also be used as a way to celebrate your soon-to-be momma status. But cannons can be downright dangerous: a gender reveal cannon killed one woman in Knoxville, IA, and in another instance, it started a 47,000 acre wildfire in southern California (causing $8 million in damages), per the Los Angeles Times. So while a cannon can make a pretty powerful pregnancy announcement, if you opt to use one, you want to ensure the safety of you and your partner, along with your guests’ well-being.
Which brings up another point: Even though you might be super excited to announce your pregnancy, it’s important to keep in mind others who might be quietly struggling with infertility. So while you shouldn’t feel that you have to keep your pregnancy a secret, just be sensitive to others who might be wishing that they had their own pregnancy announcement to share, too.
And now, here are 75 pregnancy announcements to help welcome your little baby into the world.
Holiday-Themed Pregnancy Announcements
1. Place a pumpkin in your lap and carve out Baby’s due date.
2. Grab two pumpkins. On one, write Mommy and carve out the center in the shape of a heart. Inside, place a smaller pumpkin that reads Baby.
3. Standing facing each other, have your partner hold a pumpkin while you hold your bump.
4. Paint your belly orange (with non-toxic face paint) and write your due date.
5. Wrap your belly in toilet paper and hold up a sign that reads: Mummy-to-be.
6. Your partner can wear a shirt that reads: “I put a turkey in that oven.”
7. Use a chalkboard sign to write: “Get ready to fall in love. New baby is on the way,” and write the date.
8. One more reason to be thankful. Set an extra place at the Thanksgiving table. Outfit it with a bottle and paci.
9. Hold up a plate of pumpkin pie by your belly with a sign that says, “Pumpkin pie for two.”
10. Wrap your belly in a big bow.
11. Hang up a small stocking on the mantel.
12. Hold a pair of booties next to your belly.
13. Take a picture of your belly next to the Christmas tree.
14. Have Santa take a baby gift out of his bag and snap a pic of it to share with friends and family.
15. Have your Elf on the Shelf hold up the ultrasound photo.
16. Write: “We’ve been naughty!” on a sign and paste your ultrasound photo to it.
17. Wear a shirt that says, “Latkes for two” with an arrow that points to your belly.
18. Tape a sign to your oven that reads: “Little latke in the oven.”
19. What better way to announce your pregnancy than with a heart? Form a heart over your belly with your hands, and everyone will know the sweet news.
20. Hold a bunch of heart-shaped balloons to form a bouquet, and then add in another balloon that says, “Baby.”
21. Write a sign that says, “Love is in the air, and we have big (baby!) news to share!”
22. You can wear a shirt that says, “Adding a little more love to our family,” along with Baby’s due date.
23. Paint a red heart (in non-toxic paint, of course, or even lipstick) on your belly. Add in a paci or baby handprint for good measure.
24. Buy a couple of boxes of candy hearts, and spell out the good news in a sweet (and lovely) way.
25. For St. Patrick’s Day, put a little four-leaf clover in the center of your belly and write: “We’re expecting a little leprechaun!”
26. Grab a chalkboard and write: “Irish I could drink!” (get it?)
27. Buy a little onesie that reads: “Our lucky leprechaun”.
28. Just in time for Easter, have a sign that reads: “I am so eggcited about becoming a big brother/sister.” Add in the hatchling’s due date for good measure.
29. Photograph some Easter eggs with this sign: “We’re eggspecting some bunny to hatch on _______.”
30. Place an Easter egg in front of your belly that reads: “Our little one” with the due date.
31. Place a Mommy and baby chocolate bunny next to each other.
31. For July 4th, bring out some patriotic-colored chalk and write: “Red, white, and due!”
33. Wear a shirt that says, “We’re expecting a little firecracker!”
Pregnancy Announcements With Dogs
34. Pose standing sideways so your bump can show. Hold your pooch’s paw while looking down at them, to show the love you feel for your first (fur) baby.
35. Have your pups sit (or at least, try to sit) still for the camera while you place a sign in front of them that reads: “Our parents are making us a… human.”
36. Dog shaming signs are always funny, but hanging one around the neck of your doggie that reads: “I thought I was the baby!” will definitely get some laughs.
37. Grab a small chalkboard and write down Only Child on it. Then, cross that off and write above it: “Older brother.” You can even include a cute paci illustration to drive home the point that you’re expecting a human baby — and not adopting another dog.
38. Fold a piece of paper to look like a book and write “How to be a big brother on it.” Include a photo of the sonogram, and for good measure, try to put a pair of glasses on your pooch’s nose. It’ll look like your woofie is brushing up on his reading skills.
39. Print an extra copy of your ultrasound photo and have your dog hold it in their mouth.
Pregnancy Announcements With Cats
40. Place your cat’s paw on your belly to show that your fur baby is excited about the human one on its way.
41. Take a picture of your cat sitting with a sign that reads: “I thought I was your baby.”
42. Get your cat a big brother or big sister bandana and place it around their neck. Then, have them pose with a pair of baby shoes so that your furry baby has their rightful place in the pack.
43. Place your pet between you and your partner. Hold a sonogram photo low enough so that it can be seen.
44. Buy a pair of baby shoes and have your cat lay their sweet head next to them.
Pregnancy Announcement Tee Shirts
Pregnancy Announcements With Siblings
45. Share your child’s letter to Santa Claus, which can include their wish for a sibling.
46. Snap a shot of just your child’s feet and place a pair of baby shoes next to it. Then write, “Our family will be growing by two feet” along with your due date.
47. Take a pic of your child with a sign that says, “Only child expiring _________.” (Bonus points if your kiddo is crying, which only adds to the adorableness.)
48. Let your child stand with a chalkboard sign that reads: I’m being promoted to big brother/sister in __________.”
49. Stand alongside your little sweetie as they hold a big brother/sister sign. Then, place a “baby on the way” sign next to your belly.
50. Have your child hold a pair of baby shoes as the announcement.
51. Let your child kiss your belly.
Pregnancy Announcements That Are Just Beautiful
52. Hold hands at the beach and write your baby’s due date in the sand. Be sure to hold a pair of baby shoes in your hands for an added touch.
53. Get ready for a bath! Pour two gallons of milk into a bath tub filled with warm water. Put on a pretty dress and climb in. Have someone place flowers around you for a milk bath pregnancy announcement that is at once beautiful and ethereal.
54. On a flat surface, lay down your engagement ring along with the date. Then, in the next photo, place your wedding bands together (include the date). Then in the final photo, add in a pacifier and your due date.
55. Stand side-by-side with your partner, holding hands. In the middle, be sure to put a pair of matching baby shoes, such as boots or sneakers.
56. With your back facing the camera, hold up a balloon that reads “Baby”.
57. While sitting and facing the camera, hold up a What To Expect When You’re Expecting book, and cradle your bump.
Disney-Themed Pregnancy Announcements
58. If you love Toy Story, dress your little pardner up like Woody. Grab a chalkboard and write out “You’ve got a friend in me,” and place a sonogram photo in the center, with the best friend’s arrival date underneath.
59. Heading to Disneyworld or Disneyland? Place some Mickey Mouse ears near Cinderella’s castle that read: Dad, Mom, and Baby.
60. Grab a photo of It’s A Small World and write a cute caption like, “Our small world is growing… ” for instant aaah’s.
61. Post in front of the Cinderella Castle and hold your burgeoning bump.
62. Star Wars fans: Pose with lightsabers to show that a mini Storm Pooper (ahem, Trooper) is on its way.
63. Write “See ya real soon!” and include some sonogram photos. Be sure to include Baby’s due date.
64. Send the ‘rents some mugs that have Grandma and Grandpa written on them, along with an est. date so they know when their grandchild is coming.
65. Buy a wand from the toy store and have a sign that reads: Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Bump, and cradle your belly.
66. Break out the umbrella a la Mary Poppins and grab a plain white shirt. On it, write: “Poppin.” Everyone will get the joke.
67. Forget Gaston. Find a red rose and pose with your bump as Beauty and the Bump.
68. Dress your child up in their favorite Disney princess costume, and have them pose with a sign that reads: “Every princess needs a sidekick” with the baby’s due date.
Pregnancy Announcements For Parents/Grandparents
69. Send the grandparents-to-be a calendar. Be sure to circle your due date, and have them look through it to find a special day marked on their new calendar.
70. Invite the grandparents over for a BBQ. Place a sign that reads: “Bun in the oven, and burgers are on the grill. Welcome to the BaByQ.” Tears of joy will fall into the potato salad.
71. Give your parents a grandparents book as a gift. You can laminate your sonogram photo as the sweetest bookmark.
72. Help your parents display the very first photo of their grandbaby. You can find a cute frame that either is a wink and a nod to their grandparents status or a simple frame that showcases the sonogram photo.
73. Sometimes, the simplest things can make the biggest impact. Put a paci in a box along with a note that reads: “Can’t wait to meet you in ____________! Love, Baby ________.”
74. Baby booties are an easy way to go. Give your parents a pair — and just be ready with your camera.
75. There’s always room for cake. Send the new grandparents-to-be a custom cake that reads: “Congrats! You’re about to be grandparents!”
There’s no denying that a pregnancy announcement can be incredibly joyful. So be creative, and have fun, as you announce to the world that your little one is on their way.