Best C-Section Ever

Woman body with a C-section scar after giving birth
Jane Khomi/Moment/Getty Images

12 Moms On The Surprising Joy Of Their C-Sections

Cesareans get a bad rep, but they come with many unsung benefits — beyond, you know, getting the baby out.

by Jamie Kenney
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A Cesarean is major surgery and can inspire a lot of feelings, but many people who've had one describe it as a positive experience. Why don’t we talk more about the upsides? Here's what 12 new parents loved about their C-sections.

After an emergency C-section with my first due to prematurity, I was really happy to have a safe and cohesive plan for the second. I didn't want any unknowns, so planning for it went a long way with easing my anxieties.

Nutan, 43

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I got to shave my legs and put on makeup for an appointment to have a baby!

Allison, 38

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I scheduled at 38 weeks because her older sister was 10 pounds, 12 ounces at 41 weeks. We spent the day before as our last day as a family of three and had dinner at a nice restaurant, went to sleep early, and strolled into the hospital.

Wendy, 38

I really enjoyed picking my baby's birthday, and having a specific date to look forward to.

Marie, 40

My favorite part was when I started laughing mid-procedure because I could make out what they were doing in a reflection in a light fixture on the ceiling. It was pretty amazing.

Laura, 37

By the time the doctor offered me a C-section, after 28 hours of labor, she became my lord and savior. I’ve never wanted to be cut open so bad in my life.

Paula, 44

Jamie Nowell / EyeEm/EyeEm Premium/Getty Images

The whole process was done within 45 minutes. You hear your baby has come out after about 15. The rest of the time, while they’re stitching you up, you feel relief and happiness that they’ve arrived as you listen to their sweet sounds.

Courtney, 37

It was like having a front-row seat to my own children being born. No panic or pain in the moment, just bearing witness to the two most magic creatures on the planet entering the world.

Emily, 41

Petri Oeschger/Moment/Getty Images

As a sexual trauma survivor, knowing there was a safe surgical option made birth less scary, including pain control. That allowed me to be present in my body in kiddo's first few hours and days.

Nell, 39

The extra days in the hospital alone with my new itsy bitsy were worth it.

Corinne, 37

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I unexpectedly had to have abdominal surgery nine months postpartum and I was so prepared for recovery because of my unplanned C-section. I knew the right supplies to have on hand, sleeping positions, ways to move to a standing position...

Megan, 33

I'd like to change the idea that a C-section recovery is [necessarily] going to take longer. I wasn't able to move around as freely for the first 48 hours or so, but after those first two days I feel that I was as mobile as any other new mom.

Gretchen, 39