Glynis Ratcliffe

Glynis Ratcliffe is a singer and writer by trade and a creative soul by birth. Together with her husband, they negotiate parenting a teenager, a fournado and a sweet toddler who doesn’t know how the hell he ended up in this mess. Hilarity ensues. So do the meltdowns. Glynis’ writing can be found on The Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, The Mid, BluntMoms, and on her blog, The Joy of Cooking (for Little Assholes).

Glynis Ratcliffe


by Glynis Ratcliffe

10 Body Positive Statements Every Mom With A Daughter Should Make In Front Of Her Kids

A daughter wearing a costume with wings on her back


by Glynis Ratcliffe

11 Reasons Why Sleep Regressions Are The Worst Part Of Parenthood


by Glynis Ratcliffe

9 Things Every Hippie Parent Gets Right

A hippie parent stands in front of her volkswagon van posing and smiling as the sun sets


by Glynis Ratcliffe

9 Things Moms Who Had A Home Birth Are Tired Of Hearing


by Glynis Ratcliffe

7 Times You Need To Pay Attention To Your Kid's Potty Training Accidents

A potty-training boy kissing his stuffed bear on the toilet seat while a large teddy bear is holding...


by Glynis Ratcliffe

10 Texts Every Mom Sends After Her Toddler Does Something Gross

A screenshot of a text a mom sent after her toddler did something gross


by Glynis Ratcliffe

12 Texts Every Mom Sends When Her Partner Is Alone With The Baby For The First Time


by Glynis Ratcliffe

9 Things Every Mom With Anxiety Really Wants You To Know


by Glynis Ratcliffe

10 Struggles Only Hippie Moms Can Understand

A hippie mom on a field, holding a bouquet of daisies.


by Glynis Ratcliffe

11 Things People Need To Stop Saying To Non-Biological Moms, Immediately

A mother and her two children sitting on the ground in the park, she's hugging them while they laugh...


by Glynis Ratcliffe

9 Things About Postpartum Depression That Dads Just Don't Get A Say In

A woman with Postpartum Depression looks at herself in the mirror touching her face and neck.


by Glynis Ratcliffe

8 Ways Suffering From Anxiety Actually Makes You A Better Mom

A mother laughing with her daughter while carrying her


by Glynis Ratcliffe

10 Thoughts You Have When You Accidentally F*cking Curse In Front Of Your Kids

A toddler covering her mouth while her parents are blurred in the background


by Glynis Ratcliffe

9 Ways Your Kid's Friends Might Be Teaching Them To Be Less Body Positive


by Glynis Ratcliffe

10 Things Every New Mom Thinks About Mom Groups, But Doesn't Say Out Loud


by Glynis Ratcliffe

12 Moments When Motherhood Is Simply Overwhelming (And Why It's OK)


by Glynis Ratcliffe

8 Ways To Teach Your Son About Consent Without Ever Mentioning Sex

A father and his two sons holding hands.


by Glynis Ratcliffe

10 Ways Every Grown-Ass Man Supports A Partner With Anxiety


by Glynis Ratcliffe

9 Things Parents Of Really Creative Kids Are Tired Of Hearing


by Glynis Ratcliffe

8 Things Every Mom Thinks When A Kid Is Mean To Her Kid

A mom hugging her daughter.