Sex & The Single Mom

Sex & The Single Mom

Why Celibacy Is The Sex Trend Of The Summer

by Rebecca Woolf

Nobody I know is having sex, but that doesn't mean they don't prioritize their own pleasure.

Sex & The Single Mom

I Hate Dating Apps. Is There A Better Way?

by Rebecca Woolf

Date like it's 1999.

Sex & The Single Mom

I Am Attracted To Nice Men, But I Do Not Want To Have Nice Sex

by Rebecca Woolf

How to ask for the rough stuff, because sometimes that’s actually what you want.

Sex And The Single Mom

I’m A Single Mom — Is It A Giant Red Flag If A Man Isn’t Interested In My Kids?

by Rebecca Woolf

A classic single parent Montague vs. Capulet situation: Can we find love outside our child-having tribe?

Sex & The Single Mom

Is My First Post-Divorce Breakup Going To Mess Up My Kids?

by Rebecca Woolf

Should we shield our kids from our own breakups at all cost? Or are we thinking about this all wrong?

Sex And The Single Mom

On Dating Apps, I Can Be Anyone I Want. It’s Allowed Me To Be Truly Myself.

by Rebecca Woolf

A year of experimenting — as a columnist and a person — has lead me to this one fundamental truth.

Sex & The Single Mom

Would Dating A School Dad Be A Terrible Idea And Should I Do It Anyway?

by Rebecca Woolf

Advice for navigating a potential romance with the taboo drop-off dad.

What In The Everlovin' Areola

Oh Dear God My Kid Found My Nudes On My Phone

by Rebecca Woolf


Sex & The Single Mom

I Wasn’t Ready To Date After Divorcing My Husband. Then I Met A Woman & Lost All Composure.

by Rebecca Woolf

I’ve been content to spend time with my kids and friends, but I met someone and I can’t stop thinking about her.

Sex & The Single Mom:

For Many Women, Divorce Is An Act Of Liberation — For Me, It's Been Devastating

by Rebecca Woolf

There is no end to healing — we can spend our entire lives moving forward without ever having fully moved on.

Sex & The Single Mom

Did I Get Ghosted Because I’m A Writer?

by Rebecca Woolf

What it’s really like to kiss and tell.

Sex & The Single Mom

Bringing Home A Partner For The Holidays Isn't Always A Hallmark Movie

by Rebecca Woolf

Don’t ignore your cold feet.

Sex & The Single Mom

The Best Sex Toys For Moms Who Want To Date (And Those Who Don’t)

by Rebecca Woolf

Good vibes only.

It's Complicated

The Red Flags To Watch For When Dating Post-Divorce

by Rebecca Woolf

Why is the first relationship after a marriage ends so hard?

Sex & The Single Mom

Widows Are Expected To Mourn Forever — How Do I Date Again Without Shame?

by Rebecca Woolf

Grieving widows are supposed to stay single and celibate. But what if you’re ready for more?


Introducing My Boyfriend To My Kid

by Rebecca Woolf

“I feel like I might be ready but even typing those words gives me anxiety so maybe I’m not.”