
Come, Little Children, You’ll Want These Hocus Pocus Stuffies
I personally need them more than the black candle needs a virgin.
There are few things I love more than very specific parts of my childhood becoming very specific parts of my three daughters’ childhood — like Hocus Pocus. I can’t remember the first time I saw it or the first time I showed it to my girls; it’s just as much a part of us as anything else. We quote it constantly, watch the movie year-round, and have dressed as the Sanderson sisters and co. for Halloween. And it’s why the Disney Store’s new Hocus Pocus collection has us all in a spell.
While the collection will feature a couple of products from previous years, like the Sanderson Sisters Cottage Lego set, it’s the new stuff I’m super excited about. From Hocus Pocus-themed Mickey ears to costumes and Loungefly backpacks, there are tons of super fun new items for both fashion purposes and home decor. But I’ll be honest: The products I’m most excited about are the stuffed plushes of the Sanderson Sisters and the stuffed plush Thackery Binx.
For starters, a stuffed Thackery Binx is perfect if you’re going out on Halloween dressed as a character from Hocus Pocus and need the world’s cutest (and most immortal) accessory. But the sisters in the cauldron? They’re too good. While Thackery is a solo stuffed plush at 12”, the Sanderson Sisters plush features all three sisters in incredible detail. Each doll is 7” and can be removed from the cauldron for play and then placed back in for storage or display. The hair is perfection, their cloaks actually billow out behind them, and they’re also super soft if you have weirdo children (like me) who think the witches are the heroes of the story.
I’m just obsessed with them. But if you know your stuffed plushes are going to get snatched away by your kids, consider some of the more “grown-up” items in the Hocus Pocus Disney Store collection, like this cookie jar and Thackery Binx mug. Don’t you want to say, “Look! They conjure!” every time you make a cup of coffee? Of course you do.
Feels like a big year for Binx, right?
You can grab these Hocus Pocus items and more now on the Disney Store’s website, and for Disney+ subscribers, you can receive early access to some products from August 13 to August 21, including this Hocus Pocus tie-dye pullover hoodie.
Now get to shopping. The witches had to wait 300 years, but why should you have to wait that long to celebrate Halloween?