
25 Horrifying Easter Bunnies That Will Keep You From Ever Sleeping Again
Easter is practically here, which means you need to get ready for the all the photos of creepy Easter Bunnies holding crying babies. It's like Christmas all over again. But is it just me or is there something about the Easter Bunny that's just extra creepy? Maybe it's the smiling mask that makes them seem so sinister, or the tacky outfits, but if you like to be creeped out, here are the most horrifying Easter Bunnies you'll ever see.
These bunnies are so creepy, I wouldn't even feel comfortable posing for a photo with them as an adult. So why do we, as parents, force our children to be tortured by this creepster for the sake of a photo (OK, some of the photos are totally worth it though)? I bet after checking out these extra scary bunnies, you might even be skipping that trip to the mall. Especially if your mall does the "vintage" bunny look, you know, for "authenticity"? There's something about these old fashioned photos that just send chills down my spine. And honestly, some of these bunnies belong in a straight up horror movie and would send Freddy Kruger crying for his mama.
1The Abductor Bunny
This bunny is clearly trying to abduct this child and is attempting to (very unsuccessfully) hide his face — we're onto you, creepy Easter Bunny.
2This Easter Bunny Who Eats Puppies
An Easter Bunny who eats puppies? Now, that is taking evil to a whole new.
3The Evil Easter Villain
Doesn't this bunny look like he's secretly holding all of the kryptonite and is just waiting to smother Superman with it?
4If Pennywise The Clown Had An Easter Bunny Brother
This child is one brave soul for getting anywhere close to that thing. This bunny looks like he should be starring in the next IT movie.
5Al, Lookout!
Creepy Easter Bunny 101 — never turn your back to the bunny. Make sure you can see them at all times.
6This Easter Bunny Is Taking The Naughty List To A Whole New Level
I think I'll just stick to Santa, who at worse, will sneak some coal into your stocking.
7You'll Never Get Undressed With The Curtains Up Again
If you ever want to scare your kids, just show them this Easter bunny. They'll have second thoughts about those morning egg hunts.
8This Vampire Reindeer Easter Bunny Actually Exists
OK, "allegedly" exists and no thanks. Just look at those nails. Imagine that thing flying at you. Nope, nope, nope.
9There's Something Off About This Easter Bunny
This Easter Bunny looks slightly different to me.
11What The F—
OK, this bunny goes beyond creepy and straight to inappropriate. What in the world are you doing with that carrot, sir?
12OK, This One Is Definitely An Alien
These kids better run before they are lifted up to the mothership.
13There Are So Many Things Wrong Here
Is that bunny wearing a toupee? Why is his mouth open like that? Are those whiskers or a mustache? So many questions.
14Alright, This Is Just Mean
This giant realistic looking hare is horrifying. These kids will have nightmares for weeks and honestly, this time the parents deserve it — look at that thing.
15Run, Dolly, Run
Another bunny with sinister intentions. Again, never turn your back to a bunny.
16This Bunny Looks Like He's About To Break Into Your House
And possibly commit a few more crimes.
17Could This Be Why The Easter Bunny Is So Creepy?
He's really Krampus in disguise.
20The Moments Before A Little Girl Was Eaten By This Giant Easter Bunny
Nope. Just, nope.
21This Bunny Seems A Little Fresh If You Ask Me
What could he possibly be whispering?
22If This Doesn't Look Like An Actual Easter Bunny Child Abduction, I Don't Know What Does
On skates, no less. That takes confidence. He's done this before.
23This Bunny Who Is About To Pounce On Barack Obama
See? Never turn your back to the Easter Bunny. They cannot be trusted.
24This Bunny Who Eats Children
Why is that kid just standing there? Do something!